It'll Never Be The Way It Was Before

It'll never be the way it was before
And life, it couldn't change anymore
It'll never be the way it was before
Ooh, and I don't want it to change

It'll never be the way it was before
And life, it couldn't change anymore
It'll never be the way it was before
Ooh, and I don't want it to change

It'll never be the way it was before, no, no
Ooh and life, well it couldn't change anymore, no, no
Oh it'll never be the way it was before, no, no
No oh and I, don't want it to change, no, no

Time is going round
And it's too late to slow down, yeah
Ooh and the night's already here
And i'm supposed to be done, yeah, yeah
The love we had back then
It will not be again, no, no
Oh but the future's looking bright
So it might return, yeah, yeah

Life is going wrong
And you've been gone too long, yeah, yeah
But i've still got my mind
And the years are young, yeah, yeah
I really miss the touch of your hand
I think you understand, yeah, yeah
Oh well but I (oh well but I)
Do not want it to fade (no, no, no, no, I)

No it'll never be the way it was before, no, no
And life keeps moving on
And it can't change anymore, no, no
No way
It will never ever be the way it was before (no, no, no, no, I)
Oh well and I (oh well but I)
I do not want it to change ( no, no, not again, no, no)

Memories of the past
Well they were such a blast, yeah, yeah
But life gets in the way
And they just go too fast (way too fast)
So now it'll never be the way
The way it was before (oh no)
oh well, then I (oh well, farewell)
I still don't want it to change, no, no

And it'll never be the way it was before
And life it couldn't change anymore
No, it'll never be the way that it was before
And I know I don't want it to change
No more

Mirror lyrics:

No more
And I know I don't want it to change
No, it'll never be the way that it was before
And life it couldn't change anymore
And it'll never be the way it was before

I still don't want it to change, no, no
oh well, then I (oh well, farewell)
The way it was before (oh no)
So now it'll never be the way
And they just go too fast (way too fast)
But life gets in the way
Well they were such a blast, yeah, yeah
Memories of the past

I do not want it to change ( no, no, not again, no, no)
Oh well and I (oh well but I)
It will never ever be the way it was before (no, no, no, no, I)
No way
And it can't change anymore, no, no
And life keeps moving on
No it'll never be the way it was before, no, no

Do not want it to fade (no, no, no, no, I)
Oh well but I (oh well but I)
I think you understand, yeah, yeah
I really miss the touch of your hand
And the years are young, yeah, yeah
But i've still got my mind
And you've been gone too long, yeah, yeah
Life is going wrong

So it might return, yeah, yeah
Oh but the future's looking bright
It will not be again, no, no
The love we had back then
And i'm supposed to be done, yeah, yeah
Ooh and the night's already here
And it's too late to slow down, yeah
Time is going round

No oh and I, don't want it to change, no, no
Oh it'll never be the way it was before, no, no
Ooh and life, well it couldn't change anymore, no, no
It'll never be the way it was before, no, no

Ooh, and I don't want it to change
It'll never be the way it was before
And life, it couldn't change anymore
It'll never be the way it was before

Ooh, and I don't want it to change
It'll never be the way it was before
And life, it couldn't change anymore
It'll never be the way it was before

Relevant Tags:
IIt'll NNever BBe TThe WWay IIt WWas BBefore t'll ever e he ay t as efore tI'll eNver eB hTe aWy tI aWs eBfore jt'll mever ve fhe aay jt aas vefore
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I9t'll Nhever Bge T5he W3ay I9t W3as Bgefore lt'll jever ne hhe day lt das nefore lIt'll jNever nBe hThe dWay lIt dWas nBefore Ilt'll Njever Bne Thhe Wday Ilt Wdas Bnefore
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kIt'll Nver B 6The sWay kIt sWas Bfore Ikt'll Nveer Be T6he Wsay Ikt Wsas Bfeore 8t'll Nsver Bs ghe 2ay 8t 2as Bsfore 8It'll Nsever Bse gThe 2Way 8It 2Was Bsefore
I8t'll Nesver Bes Tghe W2ay I8t W2as Besfore ut'll N3ver B3 rhe qay ut qas B3fore uIt'll N3ever B3e rThe qWay uIt qWas B3efore Iut'll Ne3ver Be3 Trhe Wqay Iut Wqas Be3fore
Itt'll Nfver Bf Itt Bffore I'll Nfever Bfe Te Wy I Ws Bfefore I'tll Nefver Bef Teh Wya It Wsa Beffore If'll Nrver Br Tje Wzy If Wzs Brfore
Ift'll Nrever Bre Tjhe Wzay Ift Wzas Brefore Itf'll Nerver Ber Thje Wazy Itf Wazs Berfore I5'll N4ver B4 Tue Wqy I5 Wqs B4fore I5t'll N4ever B4e Tuhe I5t B4efore
It5'll Ne4ver Be4 Thue Waqy It5 Waqs Be4fore Ih'll Ndver Bd Tne Wsy Ih Wss Bdfore Iht'll Ndever Bde Tnhe Iht Bdefore Ith'll Nedver Bed Thne Wasy Ith Wass Bedfore
Iy'll Nwver Bw Tbe Wwy Iy Wws Bwfore Iyt'll Nwever Bwe Tbhe Wway Iyt Wwas Bwefore Ity'll Newver Bew Thbe Wawy Ity Waws Bewfore I6'll Nevver Tge Wxy I6 Wxs
I6t'll Neer Wxay I6t Wxas Beore It6'll Neevr Thge Waxy It6 Waxs Beofre Ig'll Neber Tye Wayy Ig Becore Igt'll Nebver Wa Igt Wa Becfore
Itg'll Nevber Thye Way Itg Was Befcore Ir'll Necer Thee Wag Ir Waz Berore Irt'll Necver Th Wagy Irt Itr'll Nevcer The Wayg Itr Wasz Befrore
It''ll Neger Ths Wah Waw Begore Itll Negver Thse Wahy Begfore Itl'l Nevger Thes Wayh Wasw Befgore It'lll Nefer Th3 Wa6 Wad Betore
It'l Th3e Wa6y Wads Betfore It'll Nevfer The3 Way6 Wasd Beftore It'kl Neveer Thf Wau Wae Bevore It'kll Nevr Thfe Wauy Waes Bevfore
It'lkl Nevre Thef Wayu Wase Befvore It'ol Nevsr Thr Wa7 Wax Bedore It'oll Nevser Thre Wa7y

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