Dolly Parton
Fuel To The Flame

(Dolly Parton - Bill Owens)

(Fuel to the flame.)

You kindle the fire of love inside me each time our lips meet
I'm not strong when we're alone, your kisses make me weak
You must know how I feel but do you feel the same
Everytime you kiss me you add fuel to the flame.

My eyes light up when I see you, I burn with desire
Each time you're near you say you'll care but still I'm not sure
But please don't ask me to love you if you're not gonna change my name
Everytime you touch me you add fuel to the flame.

This fire you started inside me has reached my very soul
You're adding fuel to a flame that's already burning out of control
When you give me your name I give you everything
Everytime you kiss me adds fuel to the flame.

Yes, everytime you touch me you add fuel to the flame...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, everytime you touch me you add fuel to the flame...

Everytime you kiss me adds fuel to the flame.
When you give me your name I give you everything
You're adding fuel to a flame that's already burning out of control
This fire you started inside me has reached my very soul

Everytime you touch me you add fuel to the flame.
But please don't ask me to love you if you're not gonna change my name
Each time you're near you say you'll care but still I'm not sure
My eyes light up when I see you, I burn with desire

Everytime you kiss me you add fuel to the flame.
You must know how I feel but do you feel the same
I'm not strong when we're alone, your kisses make me weak
You kindle the fire of love inside me each time our lips meet

(Fuel to the flame.)

(Dolly Parton - Bill Owens)

Relevant Tags:
FFuel TTo TThe FFlame uel o he lame uFel oT hTe lFame cuel fo fhe clame cFuel fTo fThe cFlame Fcuel Tfo Tfhe Fclame
ruel 5o 5he rlame rFuel 5To 5The rFlame Fruel T5o T5he Frlame guel ho hhe glame gFuel hTo hThe gFlame Fguel Tho Thhe Fglame
tuel yo yhe tlame tFuel yTo yThe tFlame Ftuel Tyo Tyhe Ftlame vuel 6o 6he vlame vFuel 6To 6The vFlame Fvuel T6o T6he Fvlame
duel go ghe dlame dFuel gTo gThe dFlame Fduel Tgo Tghe Fdlame Fuuel ro rhe Fllame Fel rTo rThe Fame Feul Tro Trhe Falme
Fhel Too Fkame Fhuel T Te Fklame Fuhel To Teh Flkame F7el Tk Tje Foame F7uel Tko Tjhe Folame Fu7el Tok Thje Floame
Fkel T9 Tue Fpame Fkuel T9o Tuhe Fplame Fukel To9 Thue Flpame Fiel T0 Tne Flaame Fiuel T0o Tnhe Flme Fuiel To0 Thne Flmae
F8el Tl Tbe Flzme F8uel Tlo Tbhe Flzame Fu8el Tol Thbe Flazme Fjel Ti Tge Flqme Fjuel Tio Flqame Fujel Toi Thge Flaqme
Fyel Tye Flsme Fyuel Flsame

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