Dina Carroll
I Don't Want To Talk About It

Can you tell by my eyes
That I've probably been crying forever
And the stars in the sky
Don't mean nothing to me
They're a mirror

I don't want to talk about it
How you broke my heart
But if I stay here just a little bit longer
If I stay here, won't you listen
To my heart, oh my heart
To my heart

If I, if I stand all alone
Will the shadows hide the colour of my heart
Blue for the tears
Black for the night fears
Stars in the sky
Don't mean nothing to me
They're a mirror

I don't want to talk about it
How you broke my heart
But if I stay here just a little bit longer
If I stay here, won't you listen
To my heart, oh my heart
To my heart

Mirror lyrics:

To my heart
To my heart, oh my heart
If I stay here, won't you listen
But if I stay here just a little bit longer
How you broke my heart
I don't want to talk about it

They're a mirror
Don't mean nothing to me
Stars in the sky
Black for the night fears
Blue for the tears
Will the shadows hide the colour of my heart
If I, if I stand all alone

To my heart
To my heart, oh my heart
If I stay here, won't you listen
But if I stay here just a little bit longer
How you broke my heart
I don't want to talk about it

They're a mirror
Don't mean nothing to me
And the stars in the sky
That I've probably been crying forever
Can you tell by my eyes

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Ij Dxon't Waant Tfo Tfalk Azbout Ijt 9 eon't 3ant 5o 5alk qbout 9t 9I eDon't 3Want 5To 5Talk qAbout 9It I9 Deon't W3ant T5o T5alk Aqbout I9t l fon't dant ho halk sbout lt
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I8 Dson't W2ant Tgo Tgalk Aobut I8t u Doon't qant ro ralk Avout ut uI Dn't qWant rTo rTalk Avbout uIt Iu Dno't Wqant Tro Tralk Abvout Iut Dkn't Too Taalk Agout Itt
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D0n't Wqnt T9 Tqlk Ahout I5 D0on't T9o Tqalk Ahbout I5t Do0n't Waqnt To9 Taqlk Abhout It5 Dln't Wsnt T0 Tslk Aboout Ih Dlon't T0o Tsalk Abut Iht
Doln't Wasnt To0 Taslk Abuot Ith Din't Wwnt Tl Twlk Abkut Iy Dion't Wwant Tlo Twalk Abkout Iyt Doin't Wawnt Tol Tawlk Abokut Ity Donn't Wxnt Ti Txlk Ab9ut I6
Do't Wxant Tio Txalk Ab9out I6t Do'nt Waxnt Toi Taxlk Abo9ut It6 Dom't Wannt Tallk Ab0ut Ig Domn't Wat Tak Ab0out Igt Donm't Watn Takl Abo0ut Itg
Doh't Wamt Takk Ablut Ir Dohn't Wamnt Taklk Ablout Irt Donh't Wanmt Talkk Abolut Itr

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