Dinah Shore
Laughing On The Outside

The crowd sees me out dancing, carefree and romancing
Happy with my someone new
I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the inside
'cause I'm still in love with you

The see me night and daytime, having such a great time
They don't know what I go through
I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the inside
'cause I'm still in love with you

No one knows it's just a pose
Pretending I'm glad we're apart
But when I cry my eyes are dry
The tears are in my heart

Darling, can't we make up? Ever since our breakup
Make believe is all I do
I'm laughing aon the outside, crying on the inside
'cause I'm still in love with you

Mirror lyrics:

'cause I'm still in love with you
I'm laughing aon the outside, crying on the inside
Make believe is all I do
Darling, can't we make up? Ever since our breakup

The tears are in my heart
But when I cry my eyes are dry
Pretending I'm glad we're apart
No one knows it's just a pose

'cause I'm still in love with you
I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the inside
They don't know what I go through
The see me night and daytime, having such a great time

'cause I'm still in love with you
I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the inside
Happy with my someone new
The crowd sees me out dancing, carefree and romancing

Relevant Tags:
LLaughing OOn TThe OOutside aughing n he utside aLughing nO hTe uOtside kaughing kn fhe kutside kLaughing kOn fThe kOutside Lkaughing Okn Tfhe Okutside
oaughing 9n 5he 9utside oLaughing 9On 5The 9Outside Loaughing O9n T5he O9utside paughing 0n hhe 0utside pLaughing 0On hThe 0Outside Lpaughing O0n Thhe O0utside
Laaughing ln yhe lutside Lughing lOn yThe lOutside Luaghing Oln Tyhe Olutside Lzughing in 6he iutside Lzaughing iOn 6The iOutside Lazughing Oin T6he Oiutside
Lqughing Onn ghe Ouutside Lqaughing O gThe Otside Laqughing On Tghe Otuside Lsughing Om rhe Ohtside Lsaughing Omn rThe Ohutside Lasughing Onm Trhe Ouhtside
Lwughing Oh O7tside Lwaughing Ohn Te O7utside Lawughing Onh Teh Ou7tside Lxughing Oj Tje Oktside Lxaughing Ojn Tjhe Laxughing Onj Thje Ouktside
Lauughing Ob Tue Oitside Laghing Obn Tuhe Laguhing Onb Thue Ouitside Lahghing Tne O8tside Lahughing Tnhe O8utside Lauhghing Thne Ou8tside
La7ghing Tbe Ojtside La7ughing Tbhe Ojutside Lau7ghing Thbe Oujtside Lakghing Tge Oytside Lakughing Oyutside Laukghing Thge Ouytside
Laighing Tye Outtside Laiughing Ouside Lauighing Thye Oustide La8ghing Thee Oufside La8ughing Th Ouftside Lau8ghing The Outfside
Lajghing Ths Ou5side Lajughing Thse Ou5tside Laujghing Thes Out5side Layghing Th3 Ouhside Layughing Th3e Lauyghing The3 Outhside
Laugghing Thf Ouyside Lauhing Thfe Lauhging Thef Outyside Lauhhing Thr Ou6side Thre Ou6tside Laughhing Ther Out6side
Lauyhing Th4 Ougside Th4e Ougtside Laugyhing The4 Outgside Laubhing Thd Ourside Laubghing Thde Ourtside Laugbhing Thed Outrside
Lauvhing Thw Outsside Lauvghing Thwe Outide Laugvhing Thew Outisde Laufhing Outzide Laufghing Outzside Laugfhing Outszide
Lauthing Outwide Lautghing Outwside

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