Don Williams
Lay Down Beside Me

(Don Williams)

I've spent my life looking for you
Finding my way wasn't easy to do
I know there was your all the while
And it's been worth every mile

So lay down beside me
Love me and hide me
Kiss all the hurtin of this world away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
And don't ever wander away

Mornings and evenings all were the same
And there was no music till I heard your name
But I knew when I saw you smile
Now I can rest for awhile

So lay down beside me
Love me and hide me
Kiss all the hurtin of this world away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
And don't ever wander away

And don't ever wander away.......

Mirror lyrics:

And don't ever wander away.......

And don't ever wander away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
Kiss all the hurtin of this world away
Love me and hide me
So lay down beside me

Now I can rest for awhile
But I knew when I saw you smile
And there was no music till I heard your name
Mornings and evenings all were the same

And don't ever wander away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
Kiss all the hurtin of this world away
Love me and hide me
So lay down beside me

And it's been worth every mile
I know there was your all the while
Finding my way wasn't easy to do
I've spent my life looking for you

(Don Williams)

Relevant Tags:
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Laay rown heside Mee Ly rDown hBeside M Lya Drown Bheside Me Lzy cown Beeside Ms Lzay cDown Bside Mse Lazy Dcown Bseide Mes
Lqy sown Bsside M3 Lqay sDown Bseside M3e Laqy Dsown Besside Me3 Lsy Doown B3side Mf Lsay Dwn B3eside Mfe Lasy Dwon Be3side Mef
Lwy Dkwn Bfside Mr Lway Dkown Bfeside Mre Lawy Dokwn Befside Mer Lxy D9wn Brside M4 Lxay D9own Breside M4e Laxy Do9wn Berside Me4
Layy D0wn B4side Md La D0own B4eside Mde Lay Do0wn Be4side Med Lag Dlwn Bdside Mw Lagy Dlown Bdeside Mwe Layg Dolwn Bedside Mew
Lah Diwn Bwside Lahy Diown Bweside Layh Doiwn Bewside La6 Dowwn La6y Don Beide Lay6 Donw Beisde
Lau Doan Bezide Lauy Doawn Bezside Layu Dowan Beszide La7 Do3n Bewide La7y Do3wn Lay7 Dow3n Beswide
Laj Dodn Bedide Lajy Dodwn Layj Dowdn Besdide Lat Doen Beeide Laty Doewn Layt Dowen Beseide
Dosn Bexide Doswn Bexside Dowsn Besxide Do2n Beaide Do2wn Beaside Dow2n Besaide

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