Don Williams
If Hollywood Don't Need You (honey, I Still Do)

(Dave Hanner)

Well, you know I'm not much good at writin' letters
So I gave up and decided that I'd call
No, there's really not much news to tell you
Things back here, they never change at all
It's cold today, it's cold here for November
But I hear the weather's warm out there.

Oh, and if you see Burt Reynolds
Would you shake his hand for me?
And tell old Burt, I've seen all his movies
Well, I hope you make the big time
I hope your dreams come true
But if Hollywood don't need you
Honey, I still do.

Last night I drove the truck to Amarillo
Some friends and I had a laugh or two
But lately we don't cut up like we used to
'Cause all that I can think about is you
I know this is what you've always wanted
But I know now that all I want is you .

Oh, and if you see Burt Reynolds
Would you shake his hand for me?
And tell old Burt, I've seen all his movies
Well, I hope you make the big time
I hope your dreams come true
But if Hollywood don't need you
Honey, I still do.

If Hollywood don´t need you
Honey, I still do...

Mirror lyrics:

Honey, I still do...
If Hollywood don´t need you

Honey, I still do.
But if Hollywood don't need you
I hope your dreams come true
Well, I hope you make the big time
And tell old Burt, I've seen all his movies
Would you shake his hand for me?
Oh, and if you see Burt Reynolds

But I know now that all I want is you .
I know this is what you've always wanted
'Cause all that I can think about is you
But lately we don't cut up like we used to
Some friends and I had a laugh or two
Last night I drove the truck to Amarillo

Honey, I still do.
But if Hollywood don't need you
I hope your dreams come true
Well, I hope you make the big time
And tell old Burt, I've seen all his movies
Would you shake his hand for me?
Oh, and if you see Burt Reynolds

But I hear the weather's warm out there.
It's cold today, it's cold here for November
Things back here, they never change at all
No, there's really not much news to tell you
So I gave up and decided that I'd call
Well, you know I'm not much good at writin' letters

(Dave Hanner)

Relevant Tags:
IIf HHollywood DDon't NNeed YYou ((honey, II SStill DDo) f ollywood on't eed ou honey, till o) fI oHllywood oDn't eNed oYu h(oney, I tSill oD)
jf jollywood xon't meed gou (hhoney, j ztill xo) jIf jHollywood xDon't mNeed gYou (oney, jI zStill xDo) Ijf Hjollywood Dxon't Nmeed Ygou (ohney, Ij Sztill Dxo)
9f uollywood eon't heed hou (joney, 9 wtill eo) 9If uHollywood eDon't hNeed hYou (jhoney, 9I wStill eDo) I9f Huollywood Deon't Nheed Yhou (hjoney, I9 Swtill Deo)
lf nollywood fon't jeed 6ou (uoney, l dtill fo) lIf nHollywood fDon't jNeed 6You (uhoney, lI dStill fDo) Ilf Hnollywood Dfon't Njeed Y6ou (huoney, Il Sdtill Dfo)
of bollywood ron't beed uou (noney, o etill ro) oIf bHollywood rDon't bNeed uYou (nhoney, oI eStill rDo) Iof Hbollywood Dron't Nbeed Yuou (hnoney, Io Setill Dro)
kf gollywood con't Neeed 7ou (boney, k xtill co) kIf gHollywood cDon't Ned 7You (bhoney, kI xStill cDo) Ikf Hgollywood Dcon't Need Y7ou (hboney, Ik Sxtill Dco)
8f yollywood son't Nsed jou (goney, 8 atill so) 8If yHollywood sDon't Nseed jYou (ghoney, 8I aStill sDo) I8f Hyollywood Dson't Nesed Yjou (hgoney, I8 Satill Dso)
uf Hoollywood Doon't N3ed tou (yoney, u Sttill Doo) uIf Hllywood Dn't N3eed tYou (yhoney, uI Sill D) Iuf Hlolywood Dno't Ne3ed Ytou (hyoney, Iu Sitll D)o
Iff Hkllywood Dkn't Nfed Yoou (hooney, Sfill Dk) I Hkollywood Dkon't Nfeed Yu (hney, Sftill Dko) If Hokllywood Dokn't Nefed Yuo (hnoey, Stfill Dok)
Ic H9llywood D9n't Nred Yku (hkney, S5ill D9) Icf H9ollywood D9on't Nreed Ykou (hkoney, S5till D9o) Ifc Ho9llywood Do9n't Nered Yoku (hokney, St5ill Do9)
Ir H0llywood D0n't N4ed Y9u (h9ney, Shill D0) Irf H0ollywood D0on't N4eed Y9ou (h9oney, Shtill D0o) Ifr Ho0llywood Do0n't Ne4ed Yo9u (ho9ney, Sthill Do0)
Ig Hlllywood Dln't Nded Y0u (h0ney, Syill Dl) Igf Hlollywood Dlon't Ndeed Y0ou (h0oney, Sytill Dlo) Ifg Holllywood Doln't Neded Yo0u (ho0ney, Styill Dol)
It Hillywood Din't Nwed Ylu (hlney, S6ill Di) Itf Hiollywood Dion't Nweed Ylou (hloney, S6till Dio) Ift Hoillywood Doin't Newed Yolu (holney, St6ill Doi)
Iv Donn't Yiu (hiney, Sgill Do)) Ivf Holywood Do't Yiou (hioney, Sgtill Do Ifv Hollywood Do'nt Nede Yoiu (hoiney, Stgill Do)
Id Hoklywood Dom't Nesd Youu (honney, Srill Idf Domn't Yo (hoey, Srtill Ifd Holklywood Donm't Neesd You (hoeny, Strill
Hoolywood Doh't Ne3d Yoh (homey, Stiill Dohn't Yohu (homney, Stll Hololywood Donh't Nee3d Youh (honmey, Stlil
Hoplywood Doj't Nefd Yo7 (hohey, Stjll Hopllywood Dojn't Yo7u (hohney, Stjill Holplywood Donj't Neefd You7 (honhey, Stijll
Dob't Nerd Yok (hojey, St9ll Dobn't (hojney, St9ill Holylwood Donb't Neerd Youk (honjey, Sti9ll
Holkywood Don''t Ne4d Yoi (hobey, Stlll Dont (hobney, Stlill Hollkywood Dont' Nee4d Youi (honbey, Stilll
Holoywood Don'tt Nedd Yo8 (honeey, Stoll Don' Yo8u (hony, Stoill Holloywood Don't Needd You8 (honye, Stioll
Holpywood Don'f Newd Yoj (honsy, Stkll Don'ft Yoju (honsey, Stkill Hollpywood Don'tf Neewd Youj (honesy, Stikll
Hollyywood Don'5 Yoy (hon3y, St8ll Hollwood Don'5t Nee Yoyu (hon3ey, St8ill Hollwyood Don't5 Youy (hone3y, Sti8ll
Hollgwood Don'h Neex (honfy, Stull Hollgywood Don'ht Neexd (honfey, Stuill Hollygwood Don'th Needx (honefy, Stiull
Hollhwood Don'y Neee (honry, Hollhywood Don'yt (honrey, Stil Hollyhwood Don'ty Neede (honery, Still
Holl6wood Don'6 Neef (hon4y, Stikl Holl6ywood Don'6t (hon4ey, Holly6wood Don't6 Needf (hone4y, Stilkl
Holluwood Don'g Neer (hondy, Stiol

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