Don Williams
We've Got A Good Fire Goin'

(Dave Loggins)

There's a storm rollin' over the hill
And the willow trees are blowin'
I'm standin' here starin' out the window
Safe and warm
I feel her put her arms around me
And its a good feelin' I'm knowin'
Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'.

We've got a feast on the supper table
And bread for breakin'
A blessing from the Lord
For makin' me such a fortunate man
The light of my life in the candle
Her face a glowin'
Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'.

So let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain
It won't do nothin' but kindle
A never ending flame
Let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain til mornin'
Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'.

--- Instrumental ---

Now there's a hard rain fallin' on the roof
Coffee comin' from the kitchen
I'm lyin' here listenin' to the ceiling
On the living room floor
I feel her lay down beside me
My love is overflowin'
Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'.

So let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain
It won't do nothin'
But kindle a never ending flame
Let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain til mornin'
Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'.

Oh, I've got a good woman
And we've got a good fire goin'...

Mirror lyrics:

And we've got a good fire goin'...
Oh, I've got a good woman

And we've got a good fire goin'.
Oh, I've got a good woman
Let it rain til mornin'
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain
But kindle a never ending flame
It won't do nothin'
Let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
So let it rain

And we've got a good fire goin'.
Oh, I've got a good woman
My love is overflowin'
I feel her lay down beside me
On the living room floor
I'm lyin' here listenin' to the ceiling
Coffee comin' from the kitchen
Now there's a hard rain fallin' on the roof

--- Instrumental ---

And we've got a good fire goin'.
Oh, I've got a good woman
Let it rain til mornin'
(let the rain fall down)
Let it rain
A never ending flame
It won't do nothin' but kindle
Let it rain
(let the rain fall down)
So let it rain

And we've got a good fire goin'.
Oh, I've got a good woman
Her face a glowin'
The light of my life in the candle
For makin' me such a fortunate man
A blessing from the Lord
And bread for breakin'
We've got a feast on the supper table

And we've got a good fire goin'.
Oh, I've got a good woman
And its a good feelin' I'm knowin'
I feel her put her arms around me
Safe and warm
I'm standin' here starin' out the window
And the willow trees are blowin'
There's a storm rollin' over the hill

(Dave Loggins)

Relevant Tags:
WWe've GGot AA GGood FFire GGoin' e've ot ood ire oin' eW've oGt A oGod iFre oGin' ae've hot z hood cire hoin' aWe've hGot zA hGood cFire hGoin'
Wae've Ghot Az Ghood Fcire Ghoin' 3e've yot q yood rire yoin' 3We've yGot qA yGood rFire yGoin' W3e've Gyot Aq Gyood Frire Gyoin' de've bot s bood gire boin'
dWe've bGot sA bGood gFire bGoin' Wde've Gbot As Gbood Fgire Gboin' ee've vot w vood tire voin' eWe've vGot wA vGood tFire vGoin' Wee've Gvot Aw Gvood Ftire Gvoin'
se've fot x food vire foin' sWe've fGot xA fGood vFire fGoin' Wse've Gfot Ax Gfood Fvire Gfoin' 2e've tot tood dire toin' 2We've tGot tGood dFire tGoin'
W2e've Gtot Gtood Fdire Gtoin' qe've Goot Goood Fiire Gooin' qWe've Gt God Fre Gin' Wqe've Gto Good Frie Gion' Gkt Gkod Fjre Gkin'
W've Gkot Gkood Fjire Gkoin' W'eve Gokt Gokod Fijre Gokin' Ws've G9t G9od F9re G9in' G9ot G9ood F9ire G9oin' Wes've Go9t Go9od Fi9re Go9in'
W3've G0t G0od Flre G0in' G0ot G0ood Flire G0oin' We3've Go0t Go0od Filre Go0in' Wf've Glt Glod Fore Glin' Wfe've Glot Glood Foire Gloin'
Wef've Golt Golod Fiore Golin' Wr've Git Giod Fkre Giin' Wre've Giot Giood Fkire Gioin' Wer've Goit Goiod Fikre Goiin' W4've Gott F8re
W4e've Go F8ire Gon' We4've Got Godo Fi8re Goni' Wd've Gof Gokd Fure Gojn' Goft Fuire Gojin'

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