Doris Day
It All Depends On You

I can be happy, I can be sad
I can be good, or I can be bad
It all depends on you

I can be lonely out in a crowd
I can be humble, or I can be proud
It all depends on you

I can save money or spend it
Go right on livin' or end it
You're to blame, honey
For what I do

I can be beggar, I can be king
I can be almost any old thing
It all depends on you

Mirror lyrics:

It all depends on you
I can be almost any old thing
I can be beggar, I can be king

For what I do
You're to blame, honey
Go right on livin' or end it
I can save money or spend it

It all depends on you
I can be humble, or I can be proud
I can be lonely out in a crowd

It all depends on you
I can be good, or I can be bad
I can be happy, I can be sad

Relevant Tags:
IIt AAll DDepends OOn YYou t ll epends n ou tI lAl eDpends nO oYu jt zll xepends kn gou jIt zAll xDepends kOn gYou Ijt Azll Dxepends Okn Ygou
9t qll eepends 9n hou 9It qAll eDepends 9On hYou I9t Aqll Deepends O9n Yhou lt sll fepends 0n 6ou lIt sAll fDepends 0On 6You Ilt Asll Dfepends O0n Y6ou
ot wll repends ln uou oIt wAll rDepends lOn uYou Iot Awll Drepends Oln Yuou kt xll cepends in 7ou kIt xAll cDepends iOn 7You Ikt Axll Dcepends Oin Y7ou
8t Alll sepends Onn jou 8It Al sDepends O jYou I8t All Dsepends On Yjou ut Akl Om tou uIt Akll Dpends Omn tYou Iut Alkl Dpeends Onm Ytou
Itt Aol Dspends Oh Yoou I Aoll Ohn Yu It Alol Despends Onh Yuo If Apl D3pends Oj Yku Ift Apll D3epends Ojn Ykou Itf Alpl De3pends Onj Yoku
I5 Dfpends Ob Y9u I5t Obn Y9ou It5 Defpends Onb Yo9u Ih Alk Drpends Y0u Iht Y0ou Ith Allk Derpends Yo0u
Iy Alo D4pends Ylu Iyt D4epends Ylou Ity Allo De4pends Yolu I6 Alp Ddpends Yiu I6t Ddepends Yiou It6 Allp Dedpends Yoiu
Ig Dwpends Youu Igt Dwepends Yo Itg Dewpends You Ir Deppends Yoh Irt Deends Yohu Itr Deepnds Youh
De0ends Yo7 De0pends Yo7u Dep0ends You7 Delends Yok Delpends Deplends Youk
Deoends Yoi Deopends Depoends Youi Depeends Yo8 Depnds Yo8u Depneds You8
Depsnds Yoj Depsends Yoju Depesnds Youj Dep3nds Yoy Dep3ends Yoyu

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