Dj Mystik
If Tomorrow Never Comes

If tomorrow never comes
i keep my head up high
I love to think i can fly
When i loved you

I don't want to let you go
I want to hold you tight
A kiss of tomorrow
Be with me tonight

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

I never felt this way before
I came just watching me
You're my extacy
When i loved you

I'll be everything you need
I'll bring you paradise
So i'll set you free
And be with you tonight

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

If tomorrow never comes
I know god will be still looking at us
And you'll still be with me always

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

If tomorrow never comes
If the sun forgets to shine
If the Stars depends on time
At least i knew you were mine

Mirror lyrics:

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

And you'll still be with me always
I know god will be still looking at us
If tomorrow never comes

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

And be with you tonight
So i'll set you free
I'll bring you paradise
I'll be everything you need

When i loved you
You're my extacy
I came just watching me
I never felt this way before

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

At least i knew you were mine
If the Stars depends on time
If the sun forgets to shine
If tomorrow never comes

Be with me tonight
A kiss of tomorrow
I want to hold you tight
I don't want to let you go

When i loved you
I love to think i can fly
i keep my head up high
If tomorrow never comes

Relevant Tags:
IIf TTomorrow NNever CComes f omorrow ever omes fI oTmorrow eNver oCmes jf fomorrow mever fomes jIf fTomorrow mNever fComes Ijf Tfomorrow Nmever Cfomes
9f 5omorrow hever xomes 9If 5Tomorrow hNever xComes I9f T5omorrow Nhever Cxomes lf homorrow jever vomes lIf hTomorrow jNever vComes Ilf Thomorrow Njever Cvomes
of yomorrow bever domes oIf yTomorrow bNever dComes Iof Tyomorrow Nbever Cdomes kf 6omorrow Neever Coomes kIf 6Tomorrow Nver Cmes Ikf T6omorrow Nveer Cmoes
8f gomorrow Nsver Ckmes 8If gTomorrow Nsever Ckomes I8f Tgomorrow Nesver Cokmes uf romorrow N3ver C9mes uIf rTomorrow N3ever C9omes Iuf Tromorrow Ne3ver Co9mes
Iff Toomorrow Nfver C0mes I Tmorrow Nfever C0omes If Tmoorrow Nefver Co0mes Ic Tkmorrow Nrver Clmes Icf Tkomorrow Nrever Clomes Ifc Tokmorrow Nerver Colmes
Ir T9morrow N4ver Cimes Irf T9omorrow N4ever Ciomes Ifr To9morrow Ne4ver Coimes Ig T0morrow Ndver Commes Igf T0omorrow Ndever Coes Ifg To0morrow Nedver Coems
It Tlmorrow Nwver Cojes Itf Tlomorrow Nwever Cojmes Ift Tolmorrow Newver Comjes Iv Timorrow Nevver Cokes Ivf Tiomorrow Neer Ifv Toimorrow Neevr Comkes
Id Tommorrow Neber Cones Idf Toorrow Nebver Conmes Ifd Toomrrow Nevber Comnes Tojorrow Necer Comees Tojmorrow Necver Coms Tomjorrow Nevcer Comse
Tokorrow Neger Comss Negver Comses Tomkorrow Nevger Comess Tonorrow Nefer Com3s Tonmorrow Com3es Tomnorrow Nevfer Come3s
Tomoorrow Neveer Comfs Tomrrow Nevr Comfes Tomrorow Nevre Comefs Tomkrrow Nevsr Comrs Nevser Comres Tomokrrow Nevesr Comers
Tom9rrow Nev3r Com4s Tom9orrow Nev3er Com4es Tomo9rrow Neve3r Come4s Tom0rrow Nevfr Comds Tom0orrow Comdes Tomo0rrow Nevefr Comeds
Tomlrrow Nevrr Comws Tomlorrow Nevrer Comwes Tomolrrow Neverr Comews Tomirrow Nev4r Tomiorrow Nev4er Come Tomoirrow Neve4r Comes
Tomorrrow Nevdr Comez Tomorow Nevder Comezs Tomorrow Nevedr Comesz

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