Dj Kicken
Dj Kicken Vs Mc Q Feat Joyce Happy Together

Imagine me and you
You and me
Imagine me and you
You and me
Imagine me and you
I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about a boy you love and hold him tight
So happy together

So happy together
Me and you
Me and you [Guy voice]
And you and me
And you and me [Guy voice]
Imagine me and you
Imagine me and you [Guy voice]
And you and me
And you and me [Guy voice]

[Both together]
Imagine me and you
And you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

[Guy voice]
Everytime a dj play this song
Everytime this beat gos on and on
We want you to be
So happy together

[Guy vocie]
And the people go

Imagine me and you
And you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

[Guy voice]
So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue
For all my life

Imagine me and you
And you and me
And the Beat [Guy vocie]
Imagine me and you
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And you and me
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And the beat gos [Guy vocie]

Imagine me and you
And you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

So happy together
So happy together [Guy vocie]

[Both together]
Imagine me and you
And you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

Mirror lyrics:

So happy together
The only one for me is you, and you for me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
And you and me
Imagine me and you
[Both together]

So happy together [Guy vocie]
So happy together

So happy together
The only one for me is you, and you for me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
And you and me
Imagine me and you

And the beat gos [Guy vocie]
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And you and me
And the beat [Guy vocie]
And the beat [Guy vocie]
Imagine me and you
And the Beat [Guy vocie]
And you and me
Imagine me and you

For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue
For all my life
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

So happy together
[Guy voice]

So happy together
The only one for me is you, and you for me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
And you and me
Imagine me and you

And the people go
[Guy vocie]

So happy together
We want you to be
Everytime this beat gos on and on
Everytime a dj play this song
[Guy voice]

So happy together
The only one for me is you, and you for me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
And you and me
Imagine me and you
[Both together]

And you and me [Guy voice]
And you and me
Imagine me and you [Guy voice]
Imagine me and you
And you and me [Guy voice]
And you and me
Me and you [Guy voice]
Me and you
So happy together

So happy together
To think about a boy you love and hold him tight
I think about you day and night, it's only right
I do
Imagine me and you
You and me
Imagine me and you
You and me
Imagine me and you

Relevant Tags:
DDj KKicken VVs MMc QQ FFeat JJoyce HHappy TTogether j icken s c eat oyce appy ogether jD iKcken sV cM Q eFat oJyce aHppy oTgether
xj licken bs jc a ceat koyce jappy fogether xDj lKicken bVs jMc aQ cFeat kJoyce jHappy fTogether Dxj Klicken Vbs Mjc Qa Fceat Jkoyce Hjappy Tfogether
ej oicken cs kc 2 reat ioyce uappy 5ogether eDj oKicken cVs kMc 2Q rFeat iJoyce uHappy 5Together Dej Koicken Vcs Mkc Q2 Freat Jioyce Huappy T5ogether
fj micken gs nc w geat moyce nappy hogether fDj mKicken gVs nMc wQ gFeat mJoyce nHappy hTogether Dfj Kmicken Vgs Mnc Qw Fgeat Jmoyce Hnappy Thogether
rj jicken fs Mcc s teat noyce bappy yogether rDj jKicken fVs M sQ tFeat nJoyce bHappy yTogether Drj Kjicken Vfs Mc Qs Fteat Jnoyce Hbappy Tyogether
cj iicken Vss Mf 1 veat hoyce gappy 6ogether cDj iKicken V Mfc 1Q vFeat hJoyce gHappy 6Together Dcj Kiicken Vs Mcf Q1 Fveat Jhoyce Hgappy T6ogether
sj Vz Mx deat uoyce yappy gogether sDj Kcken Vzs Mxc dFeat uJoyce yHappy gTogether Dsj Kciken Vsz Mcx Fdeat Juoyce Hyappy Tgogether
Djj Kjcken Vw Mv Feeat Jooyce Haappy rogether D Vws Mvc Fat Jyce Hppy rTogether Dj Kijcken Vsw Mcv Faet Jyoce Hpapy Trogether
Dk K9cken Vd Md Fsat Jkyce Hzppy Toogether Dkj K9icken Vds Mdc Fseat Hzappy Tgether Djk Ki9cken Vsd Mcd Fesat Jokyce Hazppy Tgoether
Di Klcken Ve F3at J9yce Hqppy Tkgether Dij Ves F3eat J9oyce Hqappy Tkogether Dji Kilcken Vse Fe3at Jo9yce Haqppy Tokgether
Dm Kocken Vx Ffat J0yce Hsppy T9gether Dmj Vxs Ffeat J0oyce Hsappy T9ogether Djm Kiocken Vsx Fefat Jo0yce Hasppy To9gether
Dn Kkcken Va Frat Jlyce Hwppy T0gether Dnj Kkicken Vas Jloyce Hwappy T0ogether Djn Kikcken Vsa Ferat Jolyce Hawppy To0gether
Dh K8cken F4at Jiyce Hxppy Tlgether Dhj K8icken F4eat Hxappy Tlogether Djh Ki8cken Fe4at Joiyce Haxppy Tolgether
Du Kucken Fdat Joyyce Happpy Tigether Duj Kuicken Joce Hapy Tiogether Dju Kiucken Fedat Jocye Happy Toigether
Kiccken Fwat Jogce Ha0py Toggether Kiken Fweat Jogyce Ha0ppy Toether Kikcen Fewat Joygce Hap0py Toegther
Kifken Feaat Johce Halpy Tohether Kifcken Fet Johyce Halppy Tohgether Kicfken Feta Joyhce Haplpy Toghether
Kixken Fezt Jo6ce Haopy Toyether Kixcken Fezat Jo6yce Haoppy Toygether Kicxken Feazt Joy6ce Hapopy Togyether
Kivken Feqt Jouce Tobether Kivcken Feqat Jouyce Tobgether Kicvken Feaqt Joyuce Hapyp Togbether
Kidken Fest Jo7ce Hap0y Tovether Kidcken Jo7yce Tovgether Kicdken Feast Joy7ce Happ0y Togvether
Kickken Fewt Jojce Haply Tofether Kicen Jojyce Tofgether Kicekn Feawt Joyjce Happly Togfether
Kiclen Fext Jotce Hapoy Totether Kiclken Fexat Jotyce Totgether Kicklen Feaxt Joytce Happoy Togtether
Kicoen Featt Joycce Happyy Togeether Kicoken Fea Joye Happ Togther Kickoen Feat Joyec Togteher
Kicmen Feaf Joyfe Happg Togsther Kicmken Feaft Joyfce Happgy Togsether Kickmen Featf Joycfe Happyg Togesther
Kicjen Fea5 Joyxe Happh Tog3ther Kicjken Fea5t Joyxce Happhy Tog3ether Kickjen Feat5 Joycxe Happyh Toge3ther
Kicien Feah Joyve Happ6 Togfther Kiciken Feaht Joyvce Happ6y Kickien Feath Joycve Happy6 Togefther
Kickeen Feay Joyde Happu Togrther Kickn Feayt Joydce Happuy Togrether Kickne Featy Joycde Happyu Togerther
Kicksn Fea6 Joycee Happ7 Tog4ther Kicksen Fea6t Joyc Happ7y Tog4ether Kickesn Feat6 Joyce Happy7 Toge4ther
Kick3n Feag Joycs Happj Togdther Kick3en Feagt Joycse Happjy Togdether Kicke3n Featg Joyces Happyj Togedther
Kickfn Fear Joyc3 Happt Togwther

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