Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
The Magnificent Jazzy Jeff

Some DJ's are (good)
Some DJ's are (fresh)
Some DJ's are even (def)
But here's a little sumtin about my DJ
(the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff
So bust this beat

Go Jazzy!

Well it's true that I'm the reignin' kick of the throne
But with all my strength I couldn't do it alone
I need a DJ like (Jazzy) to back me up
So when I'm rockin' on the mic he's on the cross fade cut
Scratchin' and mixin', mixin' and scratchin'
Second after second it's the record he's catchin'
His hands are so fast that it's a medical riddle
With the turntables split and the mixer in the middle
Back and forth his hands fly with the speed of a cheetah that'll puzzle your eye
Record after record he has no mercy cuts left, cuts right then he cuts vice versa
I'm not exaggerating I said it and I meant it
I'll resent it if you say that his cuts are precedented
He's a lean mean wreckin' machine
He gets respected like a king when he's on the scene
So bust a move cause you know he's def
He's my DJ (the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff

People often ask me everytime I emcee
Why do I brag so much about my disc jockey
Well the reason that I brag and I boast the most
Is cause my DJ is the most from coast to coast
(the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff wack destroyer
Cuttin' up records like a samurai warrior
If your DJ's don't know who I'm talking to
(I'm talking to you)
So (come on) cause in a battle you cannot win
Cause my DJ will (tear your butt limb from limb)
He's like a runaway tank, a hip hop rebel
And if you want a battle you best bring a shovel, my man
So you can dig your grave cause there no way
That you could ever be saved
Because (the DJ cuts the records)
To create the sound
(the DJ cuts the records)
He's the best around
(the DJ cuts the records)
You know he's down
His name is Jazzy Jeff aka Jeff Townes
Commandin' the cut he's always on track
He's DJ Jazzy Jeff and he's a cut-niac
So for your personal safety you should be told
That my DJ Jazzy Jeff is
(Out of control)
(oh my god)

Alright Jazzy we gonna do a little sumthin' different right now
This is what I want you to do for me
I want you to tell all these people your name, Jazzy tell em your name
(He's Jazzy Jazzy) (His name is Jeff)
Now Jazzy I want you to tell all these people how many of these DJ's out there can get with you (none, none, none of them)
Now make the record burp
Say excuse me
Now make the record sound like a bird
Now make it chirp
Now heres a story that should not be forgotten about the day my DJ turned into an autobot
He got struck by lightning in an electrical storm
He got on the wheels of steel and began to transform
His name is Jeff and he's the swift of the swift
The type that other DJ's do not want to have to reckon with
He's by my side as I rock the mic
All of his vigorous cuts are sure to excite you
They'll delight you you know that that's right
If you were a stick of dynamite his cuts would ignite you
The DJ on the wheels can't be matched
So (check out Jazzy Jeff with a cold cut scratch)

Mirror lyrics:

So (check out Jazzy Jeff with a cold cut scratch)
The DJ on the wheels can't be matched
If you were a stick of dynamite his cuts would ignite you
They'll delight you you know that that's right
All of his vigorous cuts are sure to excite you
He's by my side as I rock the mic
The type that other DJ's do not want to have to reckon with
His name is Jeff and he's the swift of the swift
He got on the wheels of steel and began to transform
He got struck by lightning in an electrical storm
Now heres a story that should not be forgotten about the day my DJ turned into an autobot
Now make it chirp
Now make the record sound like a bird
Say excuse me
Now make the record burp
Now Jazzy I want you to tell all these people how many of these DJ's out there can get with you (none, none, none of them)
(He's Jazzy Jazzy) (His name is Jeff)
I want you to tell all these people your name, Jazzy tell em your name
This is what I want you to do for me
Alright Jazzy we gonna do a little sumthin' different right now

(oh my god)
(Out of control)
That my DJ Jazzy Jeff is
So for your personal safety you should be told
He's DJ Jazzy Jeff and he's a cut-niac
Commandin' the cut he's always on track
His name is Jazzy Jeff aka Jeff Townes
You know he's down
(the DJ cuts the records)
He's the best around
(the DJ cuts the records)
To create the sound
Because (the DJ cuts the records)
That you could ever be saved
So you can dig your grave cause there no way
And if you want a battle you best bring a shovel, my man
He's like a runaway tank, a hip hop rebel
Cause my DJ will (tear your butt limb from limb)
So (come on) cause in a battle you cannot win
(I'm talking to you)
If your DJ's don't know who I'm talking to
Cuttin' up records like a samurai warrior
(the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff wack destroyer
Is cause my DJ is the most from coast to coast
Well the reason that I brag and I boast the most
Why do I brag so much about my disc jockey
People often ask me everytime I emcee

He's my DJ (the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff
So bust a move cause you know he's def
He gets respected like a king when he's on the scene
He's a lean mean wreckin' machine
I'll resent it if you say that his cuts are precedented
I'm not exaggerating I said it and I meant it
Record after record he has no mercy cuts left, cuts right then he cuts vice versa
Back and forth his hands fly with the speed of a cheetah that'll puzzle your eye
With the turntables split and the mixer in the middle
His hands are so fast that it's a medical riddle
Second after second it's the record he's catchin'
Scratchin' and mixin', mixin' and scratchin'
So when I'm rockin' on the mic he's on the cross fade cut
I need a DJ like (Jazzy) to back me up
But with all my strength I couldn't do it alone
Well it's true that I'm the reignin' kick of the throne

Go Jazzy!

So bust this beat
(the magnificent) Jazzy Jeff
But here's a little sumtin about my DJ
Some DJ's are even (def)
Some DJ's are (fresh)
Some DJ's are (good)

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMagnificent JJazzy JJeff he agnificent azzy eff hTe aMgnificent aJzzy eJff fhe jagnificent kazzy keff fThe jMagnificent kJazzy kJeff
Tfhe Mjagnificent Jkazzy Jkeff 5he kagnificent iazzy ieff 5The kMagnificent iJazzy iJeff T5he Mkagnificent Jiazzy Jieff hhe nagnificent mazzy meff
hThe nMagnificent mJazzy mJeff Thhe Mnagnificent Jmazzy Jmeff yhe Maagnificent nazzy neff yThe Mgnificent nJazzy nJeff Tyhe Mganificent Jnazzy Jneff
6he Mzgnificent hazzy heff 6The Mzagnificent hJazzy hJeff T6he Mazgnificent Jhazzy Jheff ghe Mqgnificent uazzy ueff gThe Mqagnificent uJazzy uJeff
Tghe Maqgnificent Juazzy Jueff rhe Msgnificent Jaazzy Jeeff rThe Msagnificent Jzzy Jff Trhe Masgnificent Jzazy Jfef Mwgnificent Jzzzy Jsff
Te Mwagnificent Jzazzy Jseff Teh Mawgnificent Jazzzy Jesff Tje Mxgnificent Jqzzy J3ff Tjhe Mxagnificent Jqazzy J3eff Thje Maxgnificent Jaqzzy Je3ff
Tue Maggnificent Jszzy Jfff Tuhe Manificent Jsazzy Jfeff Thue Mangificent Jaszzy Jefff Tne Mahnificent Jwzzy Jrff Tnhe Mahgnificent Jwazzy Jreff
Thne Maghnificent Jawzzy Jerff Tbe Maynificent Jxzzy J4ff Tbhe Maygnificent Jxazzy J4eff Thbe Magynificent Jaxzzy Je4ff Tge Mabnificent Jdff
Mabgnificent Jazy Jdeff Thge Magbnificent Jazzy Jedff Tye Mavnificent Jaazy Jwff Mavgnificent Jweff Thye Magvnificent Jazazy Jewff
Thee Mafnificent Jaszy Th Mafgnificent Jef The Magfnificent Jazszy Jeff Ths Matnificent Jaxzy Jecf Thse Matgnificent Jecff
Thes Magtnificent Jazxzy Jefcf Th3 Magnnificent Jerf Th3e Magificent The3 Maginficent Jazyz Jefrf Thf Magmificent Jazay Jegf
Thfe Magmnificent Jegff Thef Magnmificent Jazzay Jefgf Thr Maghificent Jazsy Jetf Thre Jetff Ther Magnhificent Jazzsy Jeftf
Th4 Magjificent Jazxy Jevf Th4e Magjnificent Jevff The4 Magnjificent Jazzxy Jefvf Thd Magbificent Jazzyy Jedf Thde Jazz
Thed Magnbificent Jefdf Thw Magniificent Jazzg Thwe Magnficent Jazzgy Thew Magnfiicent Jazzyg Magnjficent Jazzh Jefc
Jazzhy Magnijficent Jazzyh Jeffc Magn9ficent Jazz6 Jefr Magn9ificent Jazz6y Magni9ficent Jazzy6 Jeffr
Magnlficent Jazzu Jefg Magnlificent Jazzuy Magnilficent Jazzyu Jeffg Magnoficent Jazz7 Jeft Magnoificent Jazz7y
Magnioficent Jazzy7 Jefft Magnkficent Jazzj Jefv Magnkificent Jazzjy Magnikficent Jazzyj Jeffv Magn8ficent Jazzt Jefd
Magn8ificent Jazzty Magni8ficent Jazzyt Jeffd Magnuficent Magnuificent Magniuficent
Magnifficent Magniicent Magniifcent Magnicicent Magnicficent
Magnifcicent Magniricent Magnirficent Magnifricent Magnigicent
Magnigficent Magnifgicent Magniticent Magnitficent

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