Dj Flex
Good Feeling

Music is bringing me good, good feeling
you're love is bringing the blessings of angels.

Good feelings are what we have
now that we're together we can forget the past
I´m letting my voice again
there's a song inside my mind
as we dance into the night
Nobody with me and my lust
Could believing be your passion
that I never thought would come
For ever and ever more
I will cherish the love
I've been so long waiting for.


Your love opens every door
It's the life that you desire
that will set your dreams on fire
your loving and faithfull few
who will never let you down
who will always be around
You're taking my breath away (taking my breath away)
and I will always be your landmine
and your fading lasts my way
my heart beats to ecstasy
grinds any diamond
and deepest any sea.


I've got the feeling in my heart
I will not stop I have to stop
I have to move my way to you
I've got the feeling
(repeats 6 times)


Mirror lyrics:


(repeats 6 times)
I've got the feeling
I have to move my way to you
I will not stop I have to stop
I've got the feeling in my heart


and deepest any sea.
grinds any diamond
my heart beats to ecstasy
and your fading lasts my way
and I will always be your landmine
You're taking my breath away (taking my breath away)
who will always be around
who will never let you down
your loving and faithfull few
that will set your dreams on fire
It's the life that you desire
Your love opens every door


I've been so long waiting for.
I will cherish the love
For ever and ever more
that I never thought would come
Could believing be your passion
Nobody with me and my lust
as we dance into the night
there's a song inside my mind
I´m letting my voice again
now that we're together we can forget the past
Good feelings are what we have

you're love is bringing the blessings of angels.
Music is bringing me good, good feeling

Relevant Tags:
GGood FFeeling ood eeling oGod eFeling hood ceeling hGood cFeeling Ghood Fceeling yood reeling yGood rFeeling Gyood Freeling
bood geeling bGood gFeeling Gbood Fgeeling vood teeling vGood tFeeling Gvood Fteeling food veeling fGood vFeeling Gfood Fveeling
tood deeling tGood dFeeling Gtood Fdeeling Goood Feeeling God Feling Good Feeling Gkod Fseling Gkood Fseeling Gokod Feseling
G9od F3eling G9ood F3eeling Go9od Fe3eling G0od Ffeling G0ood Ffeeling Go0od Fefeling Glod Freling Glood Golod Fereling
Giod F4eling Giood F4eeling Goiod Fe4eling Fdeling Godo Fedeling Gokd Fweling Fweeling Gookd Feweling Go9d
Goo9d Feleing Go0d Fesling Goo0d Feesling Gold Fe3ling Goold Fee3ling Goid Fefling Gooid Feefling Goodd Ferling Goo
Feerling Goox Fe4ling Gooxd

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