Dj Encore
You Make Me Feel Alive

Didn't know that I could feel this
Though I'll never feel this way
I will hold on to this feeling every day

We should never stop this moment
And the feelings will remain
Knowing it will never be the same again
Knowing we will never be the same again

You make me feel alive
When you hold me
In your heart
And I could be
The falling star
in a world you haven't seen
You make me feel alive
When you hold me
In my dreams
you could be
the falling star
in a world I haven't seen

When I close my eyes I see you
When I reach out I can feel you
Maybe you'll be true enough to hold my hand
Baby you are reel enough to understand

I should have seen
Where this would go
I know you still
Will be my lead/star
But now you fade
Into my dreams of solitude

Mirror lyrics:

Into my dreams of solitude
But now you fade
Will be my lead/star
I know you still
Where this would go
I should have seen

Baby you are reel enough to understand
Maybe you'll be true enough to hold my hand
When I reach out I can feel you
When I close my eyes I see you

in a world I haven't seen
the falling star
you could be
In my dreams
When you hold me
You make me feel alive
in a world you haven't seen
The falling star
And I could be
In your heart
When you hold me
You make me feel alive

Knowing we will never be the same again
Knowing it will never be the same again
And the feelings will remain
We should never stop this moment

I will hold on to this feeling every day
Though I'll never feel this way
Didn't know that I could feel this

Relevant Tags:
YYou MMake MMe FFeel AAlive ou ake e eel live oYu aMke eM eFel lAive gou jake je ceel zlive gYou jMake jMe cFeel zAlive Ygou Mjake Mje Fceel Azlive
hou kake ke reel qlive hYou kMake kMe rFeel qAlive Yhou Mkake Mke Freel Aqlive 6ou nake ne geel slive 6You nMake nMe gFeel sAlive Y6ou Mnake Mne Fgeel Aslive
uou Maake Mee teel wlive uYou Mke M tFeel wAlive Yuou Mkae Me Fteel Awlive 7ou Mzke Ms veel xlive 7You Mzake Mse vFeel xAlive Y7ou Mazke Mes Fveel Axlive
jou Mqke M3 deel Allive jYou Mqake M3e dFeel Aive Yjou Maqke Me3 Fdeel Ailve tou Mske Mf Feeel Akive tYou Msake Mfe Fel Aklive Ytou Maske Mef Feel Alkive
Yoou Mwke Mr Fsel Aoive Yu Mwake Mre Fseel Aolive Yuo Mawke Mer Fesel Aloive Yku Mxke M4 F3el Apive Ykou Mxake M4e F3eel Aplive Yoku Maxke Me4 Fe3el Alpive
Y9u Makke Md Ffel Aliive Y9ou Mae Mde Ffeel Alve Yo9u Maek Med Fefel Alvie Y0u Male Mw Frel Aljve Y0ou Malke Mwe Aljive Yo0u Makle Mew Ferel Alijve
Ylu Maoe F4el Al9ve Ylou Maoke F4eel Al9ive Yolu Makoe Fe4el Ali9ve Yiu Mame Fdel Allve Yiou Mamke Yoiu Makme Fedel Alilve
Youu Maje Fwel Alove Yo Majke Fweel You Makje Fewel Aliove

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