Dj Ross
Floating In Love

When I'm looking for emotion
I can see it in your eyes
Now I'm living in the sunshine
Cause you're here by my side

I've been waiting for a long time
And then you came to my life
Now we're standing in the moonlight baby
It reflects in your eyes

And sometimes...
Memories run through my mind
I don't ever want you to cry
Cause I'll never tell you goodbye

But tonight... I wanna feel when you hold me baby, ohh my lady
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
And tonight... I wanna hear when you call me baby, oh lady
It's my time... All that I give is my love forever,
lady, lady, lady...

What I feel is real emotion
When you're here by my side
What I need is love affection
Is what I feel deep inside

I've been waiting for a long time
And then you came to my life
Now we're standing in the moonlight baby
It reflects in your eyes

And sometimes...
Memories run through my mind
I don't ever want you to cry
Cause I'll never tell you goodbye

But tonight... I wanna feel when you hold me baby, ohh my lady
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
And tonight... I wanna hear when you call me baby, oh lady
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
lady, lady, lady...

Mirror lyrics:

lady, lady, lady...
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
And tonight... I wanna hear when you call me baby, oh lady
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
But tonight... I wanna feel when you hold me baby, ohh my lady

Cause I'll never tell you goodbye
I don't ever want you to cry
Memories run through my mind
And sometimes...

It reflects in your eyes
Now we're standing in the moonlight baby
And then you came to my life
I've been waiting for a long time

Is what I feel deep inside
What I need is love affection
When you're here by my side
What I feel is real emotion

lady, lady, lady...
It's my time... All that I give is my love forever,
And tonight... I wanna hear when you call me baby, oh lady
It's my time... I wanna show you my feelings baby, lady
But tonight... I wanna feel when you hold me baby, ohh my lady

Cause I'll never tell you goodbye
I don't ever want you to cry
Memories run through my mind
And sometimes...

It reflects in your eyes
Now we're standing in the moonlight baby
And then you came to my life
I've been waiting for a long time

Cause you're here by my side
Now I'm living in the sunshine
I can see it in your eyes
When I'm looking for emotion

Relevant Tags:
FFloating IIn LLove loating n ove lFoating nI oLve cloating jn kove cFloating jIn kLove Fcloating Ijn Lkove rloating 9n oove
rFloating 9In oLove Frloating I9n Loove gloating ln pove gFloating lIn pLove Fgloating Iln Lpove tloating on tFloating oIn Lve
Ftloating Ion Lvoe vloating kn Lkve vFloating kIn Fvloating Ikn Lokve dloating 8n L9ve dFloating 8In L9ove Fdloating I8n Lo9ve
Flloating un L0ve Foating uIn L0ove Folating Iun Lo0ve Fkoating Inn Llve Fkloating I Llove Flkoating In Lolve Fooating Im Live
Foloating Imn Liove Flooating Inm Loive Fpoating Ih Lovve Fploating Ihn Loe Flpoating Inh Loev Ij Lobe Flating Lobve
Flaoting Inj Lovbe Flkating Ib Loce Ibn Locve Flokating Inb Lovce Fl9ating Loge Fl9oating Logve Flo9ating Lovge
Fl0ating Lofe Fl0oating Lofve Flo0ating Lovfe Fllating Lovee Lov Flolating Love Fliating Lovs
Flioating Lovse Floiating Loves Floaating Lov3 Floting Lov3e Flotaing Love3 Flozting Lovf Flozating
Floazting Lovef Floqting Lovr Floqating Lovre Floaqting Lover Flosting Lov4 Flosating Lov4e Floasting Love4
Flowting Lovd Flowating Lovde Floawting Loved Floxting Lovw Floxating Lovwe Floaxting Lovew Floatting
Floaing Floaitng Floafing Floafting

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