Dj Sammy
On And On (piano Mix, B Side Of Do's Heaven Unplug

I didn't mean it
And yet I cheated on you my love
You my love
My heart is beating
Are you leaving me alone
On my own

And then the tears hit my eyes
I wish you were by my side
I'm waiting for you
Waiting for you
Forgive me just one of my lies
Release me from one alibi
I gotta have you
Gotta have you

On and on your voice is calling
On and on inside my mind
Don't you know I can't let go
Never never ‘cause my love goes on and on
Your voice is calling
On and on inside my mind
Don't you know I can't let go
Never never ‘cause my love goes on

I didn't mean it
Yet I cheated on you my love
You my love

And then the tears hit my eyes
I wish you were by my side
I'm waiting for you
Waiting for you
Forgive me just one of my lies
Release me from one alibi
I gotta have you
Gotta have you

On and on your voice is calling
On and on inside my mind
Don't you know I can't let go
Never never ‘cause my love goes on and on
Your voice is calling
On and on inside my mind
Don't you know I can't let go
Never never ‘cause my love goes on

Mirror lyrics:

Never never ‘cause my love goes on
Don't you know I can't let go
On and on inside my mind
Your voice is calling
Never never ‘cause my love goes on and on
Don't you know I can't let go
On and on inside my mind
On and on your voice is calling

Gotta have you
I gotta have you
Release me from one alibi
Forgive me just one of my lies
Waiting for you
I'm waiting for you
I wish you were by my side
And then the tears hit my eyes

You my love
Yet I cheated on you my love
I didn't mean it

Never never ‘cause my love goes on
Don't you know I can't let go
On and on inside my mind
Your voice is calling
Never never ‘cause my love goes on and on
Don't you know I can't let go
On and on inside my mind
On and on your voice is calling

Gotta have you
I gotta have you
Release me from one alibi
Forgive me just one of my lies
Waiting for you
I'm waiting for you
I wish you were by my side
And then the tears hit my eyes

On my own
Are you leaving me alone
My heart is beating
You my love
And yet I cheated on you my love
I didn't mean it

Relevant Tags:
OOn AAnd OOn ((piano MMix, BB SSide OOf DDo's HHeaven UUnplug n nd n piano ix, ide f o's eaven nplug
nO nAd nO p(iano iMx, B iSde fO oD's eHaven nUplug kn znd kn (ppiano jix, v zide kf xo's jeaven hnplug
kOn zAnd kOn (iano jMix, vB zSide kOf xDo's jHeaven hUnplug Okn Aznd Okn (ipano Mjix, Bv Szide Okf Dxo's Hjeaven Uhnplug
9n qnd 9n (0iano kix, g wide 9f eo's ueaven 7nplug 9On qAnd 9On (0piano kMix, gB wSide 9Of eDo's uHeaven 7Unplug
O9n Aqnd O9n (p0iano Mkix, Bg Swide O9f Deo's Hueaven U7nplug 0n snd 0n (liano nix, n dide 0f fo's neaven knplug
0On sAnd 0On (lpiano nMix, nB dSide 0Of fDo's nHeaven kUnplug O0n Asnd O0n (pliano Mnix, Bn Sdide O0f Dfo's Hneaven Uknplug
ln wnd ln (oiano Miix, h eide lf ro's beaven inplug lOn wAnd lOn (opiano Mx, hB eSide lOf rDo's bHeaven iUnplug
Oln Awnd Oln (poiano Mxi, Bh Seide Olf Dro's Hbeaven Uinplug in xnd in (piiano Mjx, xide if co's geaven 8nplug
iOn xAnd iOn (pano xSide iOf cDo's gHeaven 8Unplug Oin Axnd Oin (paino Mijx, Sxide Oif Dco's Hgeaven U8nplug
Onn Annd Onn (pjano M9x, aide Off so's yeaven jnplug O Ad O (pjiano M9ix, aSide O sDo's yHeaven jUnplug
On Adn On (pijano Mi9x, Saide Of Dso's Hyeaven Ujnplug Om Amd Om (p9ano Mlx, Siide Oc Doo's Heeaven ynplug
Omn Amnd Omn (p9iano Mlix, Sde Ocf D's Haven yUnplug Onm Anmd Onm (pi9ano Milx, Sdie Ofc D'os Haeven Uynplug
Oh Ahd Oh (plano Mox, Sjde Or Dk's Hsaven Unnplug Ohn Ahnd Ohn Moix, Sjide Orf Dko's Hseaven Uplug
Onh Anhd Onh (pilano Miox, Sijde Ofr Dok's Hesaven Upnlug Oj Ajd Oj (poano Mkx, S9de Og D9's H3aven Umplug
Ojn Ajnd Ojn S9ide Ogf D9o's H3eaven Umnplug Onj Anjd Onj (pioano Mikx, Si9de Ofg Do9's He3aven Unmplug
Ob Abd Ob (pkano M8x, Slde Ot D0's Hfaven Uhplug Obn Abnd Obn (pkiano M8ix, Slide Otf D0o's Hfeaven
Onb Anbd Onb (pikano Mi8x, Silde Oft Do0's Hefaven Unhplug Andd (p8ano Mux, Sode Ov Dl's Hraven Ujplug
An (p8iano Muix, Soide Ovf Dlo's Hreaven And (pi8ano Miux, Siode Ofv Dol's Heraven Unjplug
Anx (puano Mixx, Skde Od Di's H4aven Ubplug Anxd (puiano Mi, Skide Odf Dio's H4eaven Ubnplug
Andx (piuano Mi,x Sikde Ofd Doi's He4aven Unbplug Ane (piaano Mid, S8de Do''s Hdaven Unpplug
Aned (pino Midx, S8ide Dos Hdeaven Unlug Ande (pinao Mixd, Si8de Dos' Hedaven Unlpug
Anf (pizno Miz, Sude Do'ss Hwaven Un0lug Anfd (pizano Mizx, Suide Do' Hweaven Un0plug
Andf (piazno Mixz, Siude Do's Hewaven Unp0lug Anr (piqno Mic, Sidde Do'z Heaaven Unllug
Anrd (piqano Micx, Sie Do'zs Heven Unlplug Andr (piaqno Mixc, Sied Do'sz Hevaen Unpllug
Anc (pisno Mis, Sixe Do'w Hezven Unolug Ancd (pisano Misx, Sixde Do'ws Hezaven Unoplug
Andc (piasno Mixs, Sidxe Do'sw Heazven Unpolug Ans (piwno Mix,, Siee Do'd Heqven
Ansd (piwano Mix Siede Do'ds Heqaven Unpug Ands (piawno Mix, Sidee Do'sd Heaqven Unpulg
(pixno Sife Do'e Hesven Unpkug (pixano Sifde Do'es Unpklug
(piaxno Sidfe Do'se Heasven Unplkug

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