Where The Rainbow Ends

In my dream I was in a valley
By waters clear as ice
Trees and mountains that surround me
Nothing so beautiful have I ever seen
Can a place like this these days still exist?
A place people haven't destroyed yet
There's no pollution, just fresh air
There are no men who wouldn't care
This is the paradise where I want to stay
Where no one else can find a way

Where the Rainbow Ends
There I go, there I mend
There's the land of the free
There's the place where I want to be
There I go - Where the Rainbow Ends

Mystery of this place keeps fascinating me
It preoccupies my mind, time after time
When I look at the sky and I see birds fly
It's a play at my theatre
Into this dreamland I always come back
Where my life goes on in the same, safe track
Take my hand and come with me
I'll show you the place you've never been
This is the paradise where I want to stay
Where no one else can find the way

Where the Rainbow Ends
There I go, there I mend
There's the land of the free
There's the place where I want to be
There I go - Where the Rainbow Ends



Mirror lyrics:



There I go - Where the Rainbow Ends
There's the place where I want to be
There's the land of the free
There I go, there I mend
Where the Rainbow Ends

Where no one else can find the way
This is the paradise where I want to stay
I'll show you the place you've never been
Take my hand and come with me
Where my life goes on in the same, safe track
Into this dreamland I always come back
It's a play at my theatre
When I look at the sky and I see birds fly
It preoccupies my mind, time after time
Mystery of this place keeps fascinating me

There I go - Where the Rainbow Ends
There's the place where I want to be
There's the land of the free
There I go, there I mend
Where the Rainbow Ends

Where no one else can find a way
This is the paradise where I want to stay
There are no men who wouldn't care
There's no pollution, just fresh air
A place people haven't destroyed yet
Can a place like this these days still exist?
Nothing so beautiful have I ever seen
Trees and mountains that surround me
By waters clear as ice
In my dream I was in a valley

Relevant Tags:
WWhere TThe RRainbow EEnds here he ainbow nds hWere hTe aRinbow nEds ahere fhe dainbow snds aWhere fThe dRainbow sEnds Wahere Tfhe Rdainbow Esnds
3here 5he 4ainbow 3nds 3Where 5The 4Rainbow 3Ends W3here T5he R4ainbow E3nds dhere hhe gainbow fnds dWhere hThe gRainbow fEnds Wdhere Thhe Rgainbow Efnds
ehere yhe tainbow rnds eWhere yThe tRainbow rEnds Wehere Tyhe Rtainbow Ernds shere 6he 5ainbow 4nds sWhere 6The 5Rainbow 4Ends Wshere T6he R5ainbow E4nds
2here ghe fainbow dnds 2Where gThe fRainbow dEnds W2here Tghe Rfainbow Ednds qhere rhe eainbow wnds qWhere rThe eRainbow wEnds Wqhere Trhe Reainbow Ewnds
Whhere Raainbow Ennds Were Te Rinbow Eds Wehre Teh Rianbow Edns Wjere Tje Rzinbow Emds Wjhere Tjhe Rzainbow Emnds Whjere Thje Razinbow Enmds
Wuere Tue Rqinbow Ehds Wuhere Tuhe Rqainbow Ehnds Whuere Thue Raqinbow Enhds Wnere Tne Rsinbow Ejds Wnhere Tnhe Rsainbow Ejnds Whnere Thne Rasinbow Enjds
Wbere Tbe Rwinbow Ebds Wbhere Tbhe Rwainbow Ebnds Whbere Thbe Rawinbow Enbds Wgere Tge Rxinbow Endds Wghere Rxainbow Ens Whgere Thge Raxinbow Ensd
Wyere Tye Raiinbow Enxs Wyhere Ranbow Enxds Whyere Thye Ranibow Endxs Wheere Thee Rajnbow Enes Whre Th Rajinbow Eneds Whree The Raijnbow Endes
Whsre Ths Ra9nbow Enfs Whsere Thse Ra9inbow Enfds Whesre Thes Rai9nbow Endfs Wh3re Th3 Ralnbow Enrs Wh3ere Th3e Ralinbow Enrds Whe3re The3 Railnbow Endrs
Whfre Thf Raonbow Encs Whfere Thfe Raoinbow Encds Whefre Thef Raionbow Endcs Whrre Thr Raknbow Enss Whrere Thre Rakinbow Ensds Wherre Ther Raiknbow Endss
Wh4re Th4 Ra8nbow Wh4ere Th4e Ra8inbow End Whe4re The4 Rai8nbow Ends Whdre Thd Raunbow Endz Whdere Thde Rauinbow Endzs Whedre Thed Raiunbow Endsz
Whwre Thw Rainnbow Endw

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