Memories Of Time

Time is running so fast
This moment that you live
Instantly everything is past
And you wonder where the time has gone

When you were young
You thought I can do that tomorrow
But in moments the years have gone
You feel that you are too old, now it's too late

Live, and make true all of your dreams
When you are young
Memories are gold, when you are old

Just Memories of Time
Live forever over our lives
They will see the future
To the end of the time
This little moment that we live here
Don't let us waste it in vain
Let's sail at full speed straight on

Every single dream
Is made to come true for all of us
When we believe in the future
And what it will bring to us

Look behind
The curtain of the world
You'll see how beautiful all could be
If you take challenge of this wonderful life






Mirror lyrics:






If you take challenge of this wonderful life
You'll see how beautiful all could be
The curtain of the world
Look behind

And what it will bring to us
When we believe in the future
Is made to come true for all of us
Every single dream

Let's sail at full speed straight on
Don't let us waste it in vain
This little moment that we live here
To the end of the time
They will see the future
Live forever over our lives
Just Memories of Time

Memories are gold, when you are old
When you are young
Live, and make true all of your dreams

You feel that you are too old, now it's too late
But in moments the years have gone
You thought I can do that tomorrow
When you were young

And you wonder where the time has gone
Instantly everything is past
This moment that you live
Time is running so fast

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kMemories 9Of 5Time Mkemories O9f T5ime nemories 0f hime nMemories 0Of hTime Mnemories O0f Thime Meemories lf yime Mmories lOf yTime
Mmeories Olf Tyime Msmories if 6ime Msemories iOf 6Time Mesmories Oif T6ime M3mories Off gime M3emories O gTime Me3mories Of Tgime
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