Gates Of Dawn

Hear the sound of her wings
At the gates of dawn
She is in search of herself
In dedication of elevation

She passed many sleepless nights
Then gathered every bit of strength
For her unguided attempt
Can't you, can't you comprehend?

Look in your eyes
Like I look
When she comes down
From delight
It's insane
So insane, so insane, so insane

Oh, she suffers, suffers
She cries blood red eyes
Oh, she needs a friend
Reach out, touch her hand

A mind disposed to lunacy
In dedication of elevation
She's in search of herself
Give her,
An indication of destination

Mirror lyrics:

An indication of destination
Give her,
She's in search of herself
In dedication of elevation
A mind disposed to lunacy

Reach out, touch her hand
Oh, she needs a friend
She cries blood red eyes
Oh, she suffers, suffers

So insane, so insane, so insane
It's insane
From delight
When she comes down
Like I look
Look in your eyes

Can't you, can't you comprehend?
For her unguided attempt
Then gathered every bit of strength
She passed many sleepless nights

In dedication of elevation
She is in search of herself
At the gates of dawn
Hear the sound of her wings

Relevant Tags:
GGates OOf DDawn ates f awn aGtes fO aDwn hates kf xawn hGates kOf xDawn Ghates Okf Dxawn yates 9f eawn yGates 9Of eDawn Gyates O9f Deawn
bates 0f fawn bGates 0Of fDawn Gbates O0f Dfawn vates lf rawn vGates lOf rDawn Gvates Olf Drawn fates if cawn fGates iOf cDawn Gfates Oif Dcawn
tates Off sawn tGates O sDawn Gtates Of Dsawn Gaates Oc Daawn Gtes Ocf Dwn Gtaes Ofc Dwan Gztes Or Dzwn Gzates Orf Dzawn Gaztes Ofr Dazwn
Gqtes Og Dqwn Gqates Ogf Dqawn Gaqtes Ofg Daqwn Gstes Ot Dswn Gsates Otf Gastes Oft Daswn Gwtes Ov Dwwn Gwates Ovf Dwawn Gawtes Ofv Dawwn
Gxtes Od Dxwn Gxates Odf Gaxtes Ofd Daxwn Gattes Gaes Dan Gaets Danw Gafes Daan Gaftes Gatfes Dawan
Ga5es Da3n Ga5tes Da3wn Gat5es Daw3n Gahes Dadn Gahtes Dadwn Gathes Dawdn

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