Drowning Fish
Summer Of '89

School got out
And summer arrived
We kicked things off with a water fight
There we were
Just a moment in time
Looking back
It was the time of our lives
It was a summer made of dreams
And it had just begun

Sunrise woke me with a beautiful song
A brand new day in a beautiful world
Ran through the backyard's cool morning shadows
My friends next door would meet me by the wall
Our lives as free as a fantasy
Wide awake in a dream

It was the summer of fun
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer to which
I will always look back
We were kids growing up
Walking a straight path
Having the times of our lives
In the summer of '89

The doors to my dad's store closed for good
Filled the fridge with candy
Who drank all the Yoo-hoo
Sang along to Pirate Radio
Pretended I was a DJ as I taped the songs
I still laugh thinking when my cousin said, “Women are all like snakes”

We packed our bags and flew to Washington
My cousin's wedding, family reunion
Another plane, we're off to Montreal
Road trip with Zou Zou to Niagara Falls
Richard Marx woke us to, “Right Here Waiting For You”

It was the summer of fun
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer to which
I will always look back
We were kids growing up
Walking a straight path
Having the times of our lives
In the summer of '89

I remember the late night barbeques
Spin the bottle in the family room
Picking peaches from our yard of fruits
You sang La Bamba and I yelled “Shut Up!”
Tied a string to a beetle, watched it fly like a kite
I liked to tape record everyday life

It was the summer of fun
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer to which
I will always look back
We were kids growing up
Walking a straight path
Having the times of our lives
In the summer of '89

Mirror lyrics:

In the summer of '89
Having the times of our lives
Walking a straight path
We were kids growing up
I will always look back
It was the summer to which
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer of fun

I liked to tape record everyday life
Tied a string to a beetle, watched it fly like a kite
You sang La Bamba and I yelled “Shut Up!”
Picking peaches from our yard of fruits
Spin the bottle in the family room
I remember the late night barbeques

In the summer of '89
Having the times of our lives
Walking a straight path
We were kids growing up
I will always look back
It was the summer to which
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer of fun

Richard Marx woke us to, “Right Here Waiting For You”
Road trip with Zou Zou to Niagara Falls
Another plane, we're off to Montreal
My cousin's wedding, family reunion
We packed our bags and flew to Washington

I still laugh thinking when my cousin said, “Women are all like snakes”
Pretended I was a DJ as I taped the songs
Sang along to Pirate Radio
Who drank all the Yoo-hoo
Filled the fridge with candy
The doors to my dad's store closed for good

In the summer of '89
Having the times of our lives
Walking a straight path
We were kids growing up
I will always look back
It was the summer to which
And you know that's what we had
It was the summer of fun

Wide awake in a dream
Our lives as free as a fantasy
My friends next door would meet me by the wall
Ran through the backyard's cool morning shadows
A brand new day in a beautiful world
Sunrise woke me with a beautiful song

And it had just begun
It was a summer made of dreams
It was the time of our lives
Looking back
Just a moment in time
There we were
We kicked things off with a water fight
And summer arrived
School got out

Relevant Tags:
SSummer OOf ''89 ummer f 89 uSmmer fO 8'9 zummer kf '889 zSummer kOf '9 Szummer Okf '98 wummer 9f '99 wSummer 9Of '989 Swummer O9f '899
dummer 0f 'u9 dSummer 0Of 'u89 Sdummer O0f '8u9 eummer lf 'i9 eSummer lOf 'i89 Seummer Olf '8i9 xummer if '79 xSummer iOf '789 Sxummer Oif '879
aummer Off aSummer O '8 Saummer Of '89 Suummer Oc '80 Smmer Ocf '809 Smumer Ofc '890 Shmmer Or '8i Shummer Orf Suhmmer Ofr '89i
S7mmer Og '8o S7ummer Ogf '8o9 Su7mmer Ofg '89o Skmmer Ot '88 Skummer Otf Sukmmer Oft '898 Simmer Ov Siummer Ovf Suimmer Ofv
S8mmer Od S8ummer Odf Su8mmer Ofd Sjmmer Sjummer Sujmmer Symmer Syummer Suymmer
Summmer Sumer Summer Sujmer Sumjmer Sukmer

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