Drop D
S.i.p. Sleep In Peace (if You Can)

The end is coming fast in the Earth we used to know
The end is now too near, they can't imagine the blow
The end doesn't bring mercy, this end is not a war
This is a pay for a debt, and it will be the same no more

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

The hour, when it starts, only God lips will say
It's no use to regret, it's no use to pray
The Earth and the Sun, the day after will be cleared
Without the strange ones, only the silence will steer

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

Mirror lyrics:

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

Without the strange ones, only the silence will steer
The Earth and the Sun, the day after will be cleared
It's no use to regret, it's no use to pray
The hour, when it starts, only God lips will say

No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved
No one will se saved

This is a pay for a debt, and it will be the same no more
The end doesn't bring mercy, this end is not a war
The end is now too near, they can't imagine the blow
The end is coming fast in the Earth we used to know

Relevant Tags:
SS.i.p. SSleep IIn PPeace ((if YYou CCan) .i.p. leep n eace if ou an) .Si.p. lSeep nI ePace i(f oYu aCn) z.i.p. zleep jn 0eace (iif gou fan)
zS.i.p. zSleep jIn 0Peace (f gYou fCan) Sz.i.p. Szleep Ijn P0eace (fi Ygou Cfan) w.i.p. wleep 9n leace (jf hou xan) wS.i.p. wSleep 9In lPeace (jif hYou xCan)
Sw.i.p. Swleep I9n Pleace (ijf Yhou Cxan) d.i.p. dleep ln oeace (9f 6ou van) dS.i.p. dSleep lIn oPeace (9if 6You vCan) Sd.i.p. Sdleep Iln Poeace (i9f Y6ou Cvan)
e.i.p. eleep on Peeace (lf uou dan) eS.i.p. eSleep oIn Pace (lif uYou dCan) Se.i.p. Seleep Ion Paece (ilf Yuou Cdan) x.i.p. xleep kn Psace (of 7ou Caan)
xS.i.p. xSleep kIn Pseace (oif 7You Cn) Sx.i.p. Sxleep Ikn Pesace (iof Y7ou Cna) a.i.p. aleep 8n P3ace (kf jou Czn) aS.i.p. aSleep 8In P3eace (kif jYou Czan)
Sa.i.p. Saleep I8n Pe3ace (ikf Yjou Cazn) S..i.p. Slleep un Pface (8f tou Cqn) Si.p. Seep uIn Pfeace (8if tYou Cqan) Si..p. Selep Iun Peface (i8f Ytou Caqn)
S.ii.p. Skeep Inn Prace (uf Yoou Csn) S..p. Skleep I Preace (uif Yu Csan) S..ip. Slkeep In Perace (iuf Yuo Casn) S.j.p. Soeep Im P4ace (iff Yku Cwn)
S.ji.p. Soleep Imn P4eace (i Ykou Cwan) S.ij.p. Sloeep Inm Pe4ace (if Yoku Cawn) S.9.p. Speep Ih Pdace (ic Y9u Cxn) S.9i.p. Spleep Ihn Pdeace (icf Y9ou
S.i9.p. Slpeep Inh Pedace (ifc Yo9u Caxn) S.l.p. Sleeep Ij Pwace (ir Y0u Cann) S.li.p. Slep Pweace (irf Y0ou Ca) S.il.p. Sleep Inj Pewace (ifr Yo0u Ca)n
S.o.p. Slsep Ib Peaace (ig Ylu Cam) S.oi.p. Slseep Ibn Pece (igf Ylou Camn) S.io.p. Slesep Inb Pecae (ifg Yolu Canm) S.k.p. Sl3ep Pezce (it Yiu Cah)
S.ki.p. Sl3eep Pezace (itf Yiou Cahn) S.ik.p. Sle3ep Peazce (ift Yoiu Canh) S.8.p. Slfep Peqce (iv Youu Caj) S.8i.p. Slfeep Peqace (ivf Yo Cajn)

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