Sweet Essence (your Love Is Something)

Somebody asked me how I knew
Oh, you were the one for me babe
And I was the one for you
I never had to ask myself that question why

Your love is something that I know is mine
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I feel inside

And inside
Every day I thank the Lord above
For the sweet essence of your love
I know this love was meant to be
You are the biggest part me

Deeper than the deepest ocean
Oh, I take pride in knowing
That I got you by my side
Ever waiting, ever standing by

Your love is something that I know is mine
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I feel inside

And inside
Every day I thank the Lord above
For the sweet essence of your love
I know this love was meant to be
You are the biggest part me

Not an hour out of a million days
No no no no no
Could you ever take your sweet love away
Not a one day out of a million years
Could I ever live without you here

And inside
Every day I thank the Lord above
For the sweetness of your love
Kindness of your love
Patience of your love
One and only lover
Never be another
Your love is something that I know is mine
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I feel inside
Feel inside, oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Feel inside, oh yeah
Your love is something that I feel inside
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I know is mine
Never be another
One and only lover
Patience of your love
Kindness of your love
For the sweetness of your love
Every day I thank the Lord above
And inside

Could I ever live without you here
Not a one day out of a million years
Could you ever take your sweet love away
No no no no no
Not an hour out of a million days

You are the biggest part me
I know this love was meant to be
For the sweet essence of your love
Every day I thank the Lord above
And inside

Your love is something that I feel inside
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I know is mine

Ever waiting, ever standing by
That I got you by my side
Oh, I take pride in knowing
Deeper than the deepest ocean

You are the biggest part me
I know this love was meant to be
For the sweet essence of your love
Every day I thank the Lord above
And inside

Your love is something that I feel inside
Your love is something that I can't deny
Your love is something that I know is mine

I never had to ask myself that question why
And I was the one for you
Oh, you were the one for me babe
Somebody asked me how I knew

Relevant Tags:
SSweet EEssence ((your LLove IIs SSomething) weet ssence your ove s omething) wSeet sEsence y(our oLve sI oSmething)
zweet sssence (yyour kove js zomething) zSweet sEssence (our kLove jIs zSomething) Szweet Esssence (oyur Lkove Ijs Szomething)
wweet 3ssence (gour oove 9s womething) wSweet 3Essence (gyour oLove 9Is wSomething) Swweet E3ssence (ygour Loove I9s Swomething)
dweet fssence (hour pove ls domething) dSweet fEssence (hyour pLove lIs dSomething) Sdweet Efssence (yhour Lpove Ils Sdomething)
eweet rssence (6our os eomething) eSweet rEssence (6your Lve oIs eSomething) Seweet Erssence (y6our Lvoe Ios Seomething)
xweet 4ssence (uour Lkve ks xomething) xSweet 4Essence (uyour kIs xSomething) Sxweet E4ssence (yuour Lokve Iks Sxomething)
aweet dssence (7our L9ve 8s aomething) aSweet dEssence (7your L9ove 8Is aSomething) Saweet Edssence (y7our Lo9ve I8s Saomething)
wssence (jour L0ve us Soomething) Seet wEssence (jyour L0ove uIs Smething) Sewet Ewssence (yjour Lo0ve Ius Smoething)
Saeet (tour Llve Iss Skmething) Esence (tyour Llove I Skomething) Swaeet Essence (ytour Lolve Is Sokmething)
S3eet Ezsence (yoour Live Iz S9mething) S3weet Ezssence (yur Liove Izs S9omething) Sw3eet Eszsence (yuor Loive Isz So9mething)
Sdeet Ewsence (ykur Lovve Iw S0mething) (ykour Loe Iws S0omething) Swdeet Eswsence (yokur Loev Isw So0mething)
Seeet Edsence (y9ur Lobe Id Slmething) (y9our Lobve Ids Slomething) Sweeet Esdsence (yo9ur Lovbe Isd Solmething)
Sseet Eesence (y0ur Loce Ie Simething) Ssweet Eessence (y0our Locve Ies Siomething) Swseet Esesence (yo0ur Lovce Ise Soimething)
S2eet Exsence (ylur Loge Ix Sommething) S2weet Exssence (ylour Logve Ixs Soething) Sw2eet Esxsence (yolur Lovge Isx Soemthing)
Sqeet Easence (yiur Lofe Ia Sojething) Sqweet Eassence (yiour Lofve Ias Sojmething) Swqeet Esasence (yoiur Lovfe Isa Somjething)
(youur Lovee Sokething) Swet (yor Lov Sweet Esesnce (yoru Love Somkething)
Swset Eszence (yohr Lovs Sonething) (yohur Lovse Sonmething) Sweset Esszence (youhr Loves Somnething)
Sw3et Eswence (yo7r Lov3 Someething) (yo7ur Lov3e Somthing) Swe3et Esswence (you7r Love3 Somtehing)
Swfet Esdence (yokr Lovf Somsthing) Swfeet Somsething) Swefet Essdence (youkr Lovef Somesthing)
Swret Eseence (yoir Lovr Som3thing) Swreet Lovre Som3ething) Sweret Esseence (youir Lover Some3thing)
Sw4et Esxence (yo8r Lov4 Somfthing) Sw4eet (yo8ur Lov4e Somfething) Swe4et Essxence (you8r Love4 Somefthing)
Swdet Esaence (yojr Lovd Somrthing) (yojur Lovde Somrething) Swedet Essaence (youjr Loved Somerthing)
Swwet (yoyr Lovw Som4thing) Essnce (yoyur Lovwe Som4ething) Swewet Essnece (youyr Lovew Some4thing)
Esssnce (yourr Somdthing) (you Somdething) Swete Essesnce (your Somedthing)
Swest Ess3nce (youd Somwthing) Ess3ence (youdr Somwething) Sweest Esse3nce (yourd Somewthing)
Swe3t Essfnce (you4 Sometthing) Essfence (you4r Somehing) Swee3t Essefnce (your4 Somehting)
Sweft Essrnce (youg Somefhing) Essrence (yougr Sweeft Essernce (yourg Sometfhing)
Swert Ess4nce (yout Some5hing) Ess4ence (youtr Some5thing) Sweert Esse4nce (yourt Somet5hing)
Swe4t Essdnce (you5 Somehhing) (you5r Somehthing)

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