Inside The Fire

Won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul,
About to be mine again
Leave her,
We will receive her
It is beyond your control
Will you ever meet again?
One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child,
She was taken
And then forsaken
You will remember it all
And it fill your mind again

Devyn lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me
For eternity
Release your life
To begin another time with her
End your grief with me
There's another way
Release your life
Take your place inside the fire with her

Now and forever
You're just another lost soul
About to be mine again
See her,
You'll never free her
You must surrender it all
If you'd like to meet again
For your desire
As she begins to turn cold
For the final time
You will shiver
Till you deliver
You will remember it all
And it fill your mind again

Devyn lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me
For eternity
Release your life
To begin another time with her
End your grief with me
There's another way
Release your life
Take your place inside the fire with her

Take me away yeah!

Give your soul to me
For eternity
Release your life
To begin another time with her
End your grief with me
There's another way
Release your life
Take your place inside the fire with her

One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child
She was taken,
And then forsaken
You will remember it all
And it fill your mind again man

Mirror lyrics:

And it fill your mind again man
You will remember it all
And then forsaken
She was taken,
As a little child
Who had been rendered unwhole
One of eleven

Take your place inside the fire with her
Release your life
There's another way
End your grief with me
To begin another time with her
Release your life
For eternity
Give your soul to me

Take me away yeah!

Take your place inside the fire with her
Release your life
There's another way
End your grief with me
To begin another time with her
Release your life
For eternity
Give your soul to me

Take the word of one immortal
Devyn lies beyond this portal

And it fill your mind again
You will remember it all
Till you deliver
You will shiver
For the final time
As she begins to turn cold
For your desire
If you'd like to meet again
You must surrender it all
You'll never free her
See her,
About to be mine again
You're just another lost soul
Now and forever

Take your place inside the fire with her
Release your life
There's another way
End your grief with me
To begin another time with her
Release your life
For eternity
Give your soul to me

Take the word of one immortal
Devyn lies beyond this portal

And it fill your mind again
You will remember it all
And then forsaken
She was taken
As a little child,
Who had been rendered unwhole
One of eleven
Will you ever meet again?
It is beyond your control
We will receive her
Leave her,
About to be mine again
She's just another lost soul,
Won't go to heaven

Relevant Tags:
IInside TThe FFire nside he ire nIside hTe iFre jnside fhe cire jInside fThe cFire Ijnside Tfhe Fcire 9nside 5he rire
9Inside 5The rFire I9nside T5he Frire lnside hhe gire lInside hThe gFire Ilnside Thhe Fgire onside yhe tire oInside yThe tFire
Ionside Tyhe Ftire knside 6he vire kInside 6The vFire Iknside T6he Fvire 8nside ghe dire 8Inside gThe dFire I8nside Tghe Fdire
unside rhe Fiire uInside rThe Fre Iunside Trhe Frie Innside Fjre Iside Te Fjire Isnide Teh Fijre Imside Tje F9re
Imnside Tjhe F9ire Inmside Thje Fi9re Ihside Tue Flre Ihnside Tuhe Flire Inhside Thue Filre Ijside Tne Fore Tnhe Foire
Injside Thne Fiore Ibside Tbe Fkre Ibnside Tbhe Fkire Inbside Thbe Fikre Insside Tge F8re Inide F8ire Inisde Thge Fi8re
Inzide Tye Fure Inzside Fuire Inszide Thye Fiure Inwide Thee Firre Inwside Th Fie Inswide The Fier Indide Ths Fide
Indside Thse Fidre Insdide Thes Firde Ineide Th3 Fi4e Ineside Th3e Fi4re Inseide The3 Fir4e Inxide Thf Fige Inxside Thfe Figre
Insxide Thef Firge Inaide Thr Fite Inaside Thre Fitre Insaide Ther Firte Insiide Th4 Fi5e Insde Th4e Fi5re

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