For Tonight You're Only Here To Know

I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh

Just tonight I would, I would lay here for you
Just tonight I would, I would sink here for you
Just tonight I would, I would slum here for you
Just tonight I would, I would die

I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh

Where I am in the, in the hallway small
There's a red light and a black sore
Away, I say, away, I say
Away, I say, away

Whoa... Ooh... Ooh...
(You'll follow me till the end, till the end
You'll swallow me till there's nothing left
You'll follow me till the end, till the end
You'll swallow me till there's nothing left)

I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh

Mirror lyrics:

Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh

You'll swallow me till there's nothing left)
You'll follow me till the end, till the end
You'll swallow me till there's nothing left
(You'll follow me till the end, till the end
Whoa... Ooh... Ooh...

Away, I say, away
Away, I say, away, I say
There's a red light and a black sore
Where I am in the, in the hallway small

Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh

Just tonight I would, I would die
Just tonight I would, I would slum here for you
Just tonight I would, I would sink here for you
Just tonight I would, I would lay here for you

Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh
Never in tune just sigh
I really want you to sigh

Relevant Tags:
FFor TTonight YYou're OOnly HHere TTo KKnow or onight ou're nly ere o now oFr oTnight oYu're nOly eHre oT nKow cor fonight gou're knly jere fo lnow
cFor fTonight gYou're kOnly jHere fTo lKnow Fcor Tfonight Ygou're Oknly Hjere Tfo Klnow ror 5onight hou're 9nly uere 5o onow rFor 5Tonight hYou're 9Only uHere 5To oKnow
Fror T5onight Yhou're O9nly Huere T5o Konow gor honight 6ou're 0nly nere ho mnow gFor hTonight 6You're 0Only nHere hTo mKnow Fgor Thonight Y6ou're O0nly Hnere Tho Kmnow
tor yonight uou're lnly bere yo jnow tFor yTonight uYou're lOnly bHere yTo jKnow Ftor Tyonight Yuou're Olnly Hbere Tyo Kjnow vor 6onight 7ou're inly gere 6o inow
vFor 6Tonight 7You're iOnly gHere 6To iKnow Fvor T6onight Y7ou're Oinly Hgere T6o Kinow dor gonight jou're Onnly yere go Knnow dFor gTonight jYou're Oly yHere gTo Kow
Fdor Tgonight Yjou're Olny Hyere Tgo Konw Foor ronight tou're Omly Heere ro Kmow Fr rTonight tYou're Omnly Hre rTo Fro Tronight Ytou're Onmly Hree Tro Knmow
Fkr Toonight Yoou're Ohly Hsre Too Khow Fkor Tnight Yu're Ohnly Hsere T Khnow Fokr Tnoight Yuo're Onhly Hesre To Knhow F9r Tknight Yku're Ojly H3re Tk Kjow
F9or Tkonight Ykou're Ojnly H3ere Tko Fo9r Toknight Yoku're Onjly He3re Tok Knjow F0r T9night Y9u're Obly Hfre T9 Kbow F0or T9onight Y9ou're Obnly Hfere T9o Kbnow
Fo0r To9night Yo9u're Onbly Hefre To9 Knbow Flr T0night Y0u're Onlly Hrre T0 Knoow Flor T0onight Y0ou're Ony Hrere T0o Knw Folr To0night Yo0u're Onyl Herre To0 Knwo
Fir Tlnight Ylu're Onky H4re Tl Knkw Fior Tlonight Ylou're Onkly H4ere Tlo Knkow Foir Tolnight Yolu're Onlky He4re Tol Knokw Forr Tinight Yiu're Onoy Hdre Ti Kn9w
Fo Tionight Yiou're Onoly Hdere Tio Kn9ow For Toinight Yoiu're Onloy Hedre Toi Kno9w Fod Tonnight Youu're Onpy Hwre Kn0w Fodr Toight Yo're Onply Hwere Kn0ow
Ford Toinght Yo'ure Onlpy Hewre Kno0w Fo4 Tomight Yoh're Onlyy Knlw Fo4r Tomnight Yohu're Onl Hee Knlow For4 Tonmight Youh're Only Heer Knolw
Fog Tohight Yo7're Onlg Hede Kniw Fogr Tohnight Yo7u're Onlgy Kniow Forg Tonhight You7're Onlyg Herde Knoiw Fot Tojight Yok're Onlh He4e Knoww
Fotr Tojnight Onlhy Kno Fort Tonjight Youk're Onlyh Her4e Know Fo5 Tobight Yoi're Onl6 Hege Knoa Fo5r Tobnight Onl6y Hegre Knoaw
For5 Tonbight Youi're Only6 Herge Knowa Fof Toniight Yo8're Onlu Hete Kno3 Fofr Tonght Yo8u're Onluy Hetre Kno3w Forf Tongiht You8're Onlyu Herte Know3
Foe Tonjght Yoj're Onl7 He5e Knod Foer Yoju're Onl7y He5re Knodw Fore Tonijght Youj're Only7 Her5e Knowd Ton9ght Yoy're Onlj Hefe Knoe
Ton9ight Yoyu're Onljy Knoew Toni9ght Youy're Onlyj Herfe Knowe Tonlght You''re Onlt Heee Knos Tonlight Youre Onlty Knosw
Tonilght Your'e Onlyt Heree Knows Tonoght You'rre Kno2

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