Dissolving Of Prodigy
Celebration Of Trambled Flowers

Wistful shadow of the past
Sailed through gloomy depth of my dreaming.
The love vanished in my wishes
And I kissed the flower of perdition.

From the river of time with sorrow is seized my soul.
The garden faded and by blood are dimmed my eyes.
Every day increases on my heart the scratch.
Why I have to, when I don't want go on?

Perhaps it was all mere dream,
The story which once happened.
But I feel anxiety and grief.
Why closed eyes of them, which I loved so much?

From the river of time with sorrow is seized my soul.
The garden faded and by blood are dimmed my eyes.
Every day increases on my heart the scratch.
Why I have to, when I don't want go on?

Mirror lyrics:

Why I have to, when I don't want go on?
Every day increases on my heart the scratch.
The garden faded and by blood are dimmed my eyes.
From the river of time with sorrow is seized my soul.

Why closed eyes of them, which I loved so much?
But I feel anxiety and grief.
The story which once happened.
Perhaps it was all mere dream,

Why I have to, when I don't want go on?
Every day increases on my heart the scratch.
The garden faded and by blood are dimmed my eyes.
From the river of time with sorrow is seized my soul.

And I kissed the flower of perdition.
The love vanished in my wishes
Sailed through gloomy depth of my dreaming.
Wistful shadow of the past

Relevant Tags:
CCelebration OOf TTrambled FFlowers elebration f rambled lowers eClebration fO rTambled lFowers felebration kf frambled clowers fCelebration kOf fTrambled cFlowers
Cfelebration Okf Tframbled Fclowers xelebration 9f 5rambled rlowers xCelebration 9Of 5Trambled rFlowers Cxelebration O9f T5rambled Frlowers velebration 0f hrambled glowers
vCelebration 0Of hTrambled gFlowers Cvelebration O0f Thrambled Fglowers delebration lf yrambled tlowers dCelebration lOf yTrambled tFlowers Cdelebration Olf Tyrambled Ftlowers
Ceelebration if 6rambled vlowers Clebration iOf 6Trambled vFlowers Cleebration Oif T6rambled Fvlowers Cslebration Off grambled dlowers Cselebration O gTrambled dFlowers
Ceslebration Of Tgrambled Fdlowers C3lebration Oc rrambled Fllowers C3elebration Ocf rTrambled Fowers Ce3lebration Ofc Trrambled Folwers Cflebration Or Fkowers
Orf Tambled Fklowers Ceflebration Ofr Tarmbled Flkowers Crlebration Og Tdambled Foowers Crelebration Ogf Tdrambled Folowers Cerlebration Ofg Trdambled Floowers
C4lebration Ot T4ambled Fpowers C4elebration Otf T4rambled Fplowers Ce4lebration Oft Tr4ambled Flpowers Cdlebration Ov Tgambled Ovf Flwers
Cedlebration Ofv Trgambled Flwoers Cwlebration Od Ttambled Flkwers Cwelebration Odf Ttrambled Cewlebration Ofd Trtambled Flokwers Cellebration T5ambled Fl9wers
Ceebration Fl9owers Ceelbration Tr5ambled Flo9wers Cekebration Tfambled Fl0wers Ceklebration Fl0owers Celkebration Trfambled Flo0wers
Ceoebration Teambled Fllwers Ceolebration Terambled Celoebration Treambled Flolwers Cepebration Traambled Fliwers Ceplebration Trmbled Fliowers
Celpebration Trmabled Floiwers Celeebration Trzmbled Flowwers Celbration Trzambled Floers Celberation Trazmbled Floewrs Celsbration Trqmbled Floaers
Celsebration Trqambled Floawers Celesbration Traqmbled Flowaers Cel3bration Trsmbled Flo3ers Cel3ebration Trsambled Flo3wers Cele3bration Trasmbled Flow3ers
Celfbration Trwmbled Floders Celfebration Trwambled Flodwers Celefbration Trawmbled Flowders Celrbration Trxmbled Floeers Celrebration Trxambled Floewers
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