Touching's Not The Only Way To Feel

I don't understand,
This should be so easy.
To just reach out my hand,
And know the world is real.
But nothing's as it seems,
I can tell you clearly.
Touching's not the only way to feel.

When the rain falls,
It's like Heaven's crying in the names all.
The difference that there is.
Tears are the same when they are crying to know something good,
Out of all the pain, pain.
There's no difference between the teardrops and the rain.

Mirror lyrics:

There's no difference between the teardrops and the rain.
Out of all the pain, pain.
Tears are the same when they are crying to know something good,
The difference that there is.
It's like Heaven's crying in the names all.
When the rain falls,

Touching's not the only way to feel.
I can tell you clearly.
But nothing's as it seems,
And know the world is real.
To just reach out my hand,
This should be so easy.
I don't understand,

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Tfouching's Nmot Tfhe Oknly Waay Tfo Fceel 5ouching's hot 5he 9nly 3ay 5o reel 5Touching's hNot 5The 9Only 3Way 5To rFeel T5ouching's Nhot T5he O9nly W3ay T5o Freel houching's jot hhe 0nly day ho geel
hTouching's jNot hThe 0Only dWay hTo gFeel Thouching's Njot Thhe O0nly Wday Tho Fgeel youching's bot yhe lnly eay yo teel yTouching's bNot yThe lOnly eWay yTo tFeel Tyouching's Nbot Tyhe Olnly Weay Tyo Fteel
6ouching's Noot 6he inly say 6o veel 6Touching's Nt 6The iOnly sWay 6To vFeel T6ouching's Nto T6he Oinly Wsay T6o Fveel gouching's Nkt ghe Onnly 2ay go deel gTouching's Nkot gThe Oly 2Way gTo dFeel
Tgouching's Nokt Tghe Olny W2ay Tgo Fdeel rouching's N9t rhe Omly qay ro Feeel rTouching's N9ot rThe Omnly qWay rTo Fel Trouching's No9t Trhe Onmly Wqay Tro Feel Toouching's N0t Ohly Too Fsel
Tuching's N0ot Te Ohnly Wy T Fseel Tuoching's No0t Teh Onhly Wya To Fesel Tkuching's Nlt Tje Ojly Wzy Tk F3el Tkouching's Nlot Tjhe Ojnly Wzay Tko F3eel Tokuching's Nolt Thje Onjly Wazy Tok Fe3el
T9uching's Nit Tue Obly Wqy T9 Ffel T9ouching's Niot Tuhe Obnly T9o Ffeel To9uching's Noit Thue Onbly Waqy To9 Fefel T0uching's Nott Tne Onlly Wsy T0 Frel T0ouching's No Tnhe Ony T0o
To0uching's Not Thne Onyl Wasy To0 Ferel Tluching's Nof Tbe Onky Wwy Tl F4el Tlouching's Noft Tbhe Onkly Wway Tlo F4eel Toluching's Notf Thbe Onlky Wawy Tol Fe4el Tiuching's No5 Tge Onoy Wxy Ti Fdel
Tiouching's No5t Onoly Wxay Tio Toiuching's Not5 Thge Onloy Waxy Toi Fedel Touuching's Noh Tye Onpy Wayy Fwel Toching's Noht Onply Wa Fweel Tocuhing's Noth Thye Onlpy Way Fewel
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