Pink Elephants On Parade

Look out! Look out!
Pink elephants on parade
Here they come!
Hippety hoppety
They're here and there
Pink elephants everywhere

Look out! Look out!
They're walking around the bed
On their head
Clippety cloppety
Arrayed in braid
Pink elephants on parade

What'll I do?
What'll I do?
What an unusual view

I can stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms is really too much for me

I am not the type to faint
When things are odd or things are quaint
But seeing things you know that ain't can certainly give you an awful fright

What a sight!
Chase 'em away! Chase 'em away!
I'm afraid, need your aid
Pink elephants on parade
Pink elephants...
Pink elephants...
Pink elephants...

Mirror lyrics:

Pink elephants...
Pink elephants...
Pink elephants...
Pink elephants on parade
I'm afraid, need your aid
Chase 'em away! Chase 'em away!
What a sight!

But seeing things you know that ain't can certainly give you an awful fright
When things are odd or things are quaint
I am not the type to faint

But technicolor pachyderms is really too much for me
And look at microscopic germs
I can stand the sight of worms

What an unusual view
What'll I do?
What'll I do?

Pink elephants on parade
Arrayed in braid
Clippety cloppety
On their head
They're walking around the bed
Look out! Look out!

Pink elephants everywhere
They're here and there
Hippety hoppety
Here they come!
Pink elephants on parade
Look out! Look out!

Relevant Tags:
PPink EElephants OOn PParade ink lephants n arade iPnk lEephants nO aPrade 0ink slephants kn 0arade 0Pink sElephants kOn 0Parade P0ink Eslephants Okn P0arade
link 3lephants 9n larade lPink 3Elephants 9On lParade Plink E3lephants O9n Plarade oink flephants 0n oarade oPink fElephants 0On oParade Poink Eflephants O0n Poarade
Piink rlephants ln Paarade Pnk rElephants lOn Prade Pnik Erlephants Oln Praade Pjnk 4lephants in Pzrade Pjink 4Elephants iOn Pzarade Pijnk E4lephants Oin Pazrade
P9nk dlephants Onn Pqrade P9ink dElephants O Pqarade Pi9nk Edlephants On Paqrade Plnk wlephants Om Psrade wElephants Omn Psarade Pilnk Ewlephants Onm Pasrade
Ponk Ellephants Oh Pwrade Eephants Ohn Pwarade Pionk Eelphants Onh Pawrade Pknk Ekephants Oj Pxrade Pkink Eklephants Ojn Pxarade Piknk Elkephants Onj Paxrade
P8nk Eoephants Ob Parrade P8ink Eolephants Obn Paade Pi8nk Eloephants Onb Paarde Punk Epephants Padade Puink Eplephants Padrade Piunk Elpephants Pardade
Pinnk Eleephants Pa4ade Pik Elphants Pa4rade Pikn Elpehants Par4ade Pimk Elsphants Pagade Pimnk Elsephants Pagrade Pinmk Elesphants Pargade
Pihk El3phants Patade Pihnk El3ephants Patrade Pinhk Ele3phants Partade Pijk Elfphants Pa5ade Elfephants Pa5rade Pinjk Elefphants Par5ade
Pibk Elrphants Pafade Pibnk Elrephants Pafrade Pinbk Elerphants Parfade Pinkk El4phants Paeade Pin El4ephants Paerade Pink Ele4phants Pareade
Pinl Eldphants Paraade Pinlk Eldephants Parde Pinkl Eledphants Pardae Pino Elwphants Parzde Pinok Elwephants Parzade Pinko Elewphants Parazde
Pinm Elepphants Parqde Elehants Parqade Pinkm Elehpants Paraqde Pinj Ele0hants Parsde Ele0phants Parsade Pinkj Elep0hants Parasde
Pini Elelhants Parwde Pinik Elelphants Parwade Pinki Eleplhants Parawde Eleohants Parxde Eleophants Parxade Elepohants Paraxde
Elephhants Paradde Elepants Parae Elepahnts Paraed Elepjants Paraxe Elepjhants Elephjants Paradxe
Elepuants Paraee Elepuhants Paraede Elephuants Paradee Elepnants Parafe Elepnhants Parafde Elephnants Paradfe
Elepbants Parare

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