Love Is A Song

Love is a song that never ends
Life may be swift and fleeting
Hope may die yet love's beautiful music
Comes each day like the dawn

Love is a song that never ends
One simple theme repeating
Like the voice of a heavenly choir
Love's sweet music flows on

Mirror lyrics:

Love's sweet music flows on
Like the voice of a heavenly choir
One simple theme repeating
Love is a song that never ends

Comes each day like the dawn
Hope may die yet love's beautiful music
Life may be swift and fleeting
Love is a song that never ends

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs AA SSong ove s ong oLve sI A oSng kove js z zong kLove jIs zA zSong Lkove Ijs Az Szong oove 9s q wong oLove 9Is qA wSong
Loove I9s Aq Swong pove ls s dong pLove lIs sA dSong Lpove Ils As Sdong os w eong Lve oIs wA eSong Lvoe Ios Aw Seong Lkve ks x xong
kIs xA xSong Lokve Iks Ax Sxong L9ve 8s aong L9ove 8Is aSong Lo9ve I8s Saong L0ve us Soong L0ove uIs Sng Lo0ve Ius Snog
Llve Iss Skng Llove I Skong Lolve Is Sokng Live Iz S9ng Liove Izs S9ong Loive Isz So9ng Lovve Iw S0ng Loe Iws S0ong
Loev Isw So0ng Lobe Id Slng Lobve Ids Slong Lovbe Isd Solng Loce Ie Sing

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