Listen With Your Heart

[Voice of the wind]
Ay ay ay ya
Ay ay ya

[Grandmother Willow]
Que que na-to-ra
You will understand
Listen with your heart
You will understand
Let it break upon you
Like a wave upon the sand
Listen with your heart
You will understand

[Voice of the Wind]
You will understand ...

Mirror lyrics:

You will understand ...
[Voice of the Wind]

You will understand
Listen with your heart
Like a wave upon the sand
Let it break upon you
You will understand
Listen with your heart
You will understand
Que que na-to-ra
[Grandmother Willow]

Ay ay ya
Ay ay ay ya
[Voice of the wind]

Relevant Tags:
LListen WWith YYour HHeart isten ith our eart iLsten iWth oYur eHart kisten aith gour jeart kListen aWith gYour jHeart Lkisten Waith Ygour Hjeart
oisten 3ith hour ueart oListen 3With hYour uHeart Loisten W3ith Yhour Hueart pisten dith 6our neart pListen dWith 6Your nHeart Lpisten Wdith Y6our Hneart
Liisten eith uour beart Lsten eWith uYour bHeart Lsiten Weith Yuour Hbeart Ljsten sith 7our geart Ljisten sWith 7Your gHeart Lijsten Wsith Y7our Hgeart
L9sten 2ith jour yeart L9isten 2With jYour yHeart Li9sten W2ith Yjour Hyeart Llsten qith tour Heeart Llisten qWith tYour Hart Lilsten Wqith Ytour Haert
Losten Wiith Yoour Hsart Wth Yur Hseart Liosten Wtih Yuor Hesart Lksten Wjth Ykur H3art Wjith Ykour H3eart Liksten Wijth Yokur He3art
L8sten W9th Y9ur Hfart L8isten W9ith Y9our Hfeart Li8sten Wi9th Yo9ur Hefart Lusten Wlth Y0ur Hrart Luisten Wlith Y0our Hreart Liusten Wilth Yo0ur Herart
Lissten Woth Ylur H4art Liten Woith Ylour H4eart Litsen Wioth Yolur He4art Lizten Wkth Yiur Hdart Lizsten Wkith Yiour Hdeart Liszten Wikth Yoiur Hedart
Liwten W8th Youur Hwart Liwsten W8ith Yor Hweart Liswten Wi8th Yoru Hewart Lidten Wuth Yohr Heaart Lidsten Wuith Yohur Hert Lisdten Wiuth Youhr Herat
Lieten Witth Yo7r Hezrt Liesten Wih Yo7ur Hezart Liseten Wiht You7r Heazrt Lixten Wifh Yokr Heqrt Lixsten Wifth Heqart Lisxten Witfh Youkr Heaqrt
Liaten Wi5h Yoir Hesrt Liasten Wi5th Lisaten Wit5h Youir Heasrt Listten Wihh Yo8r Hewrt

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