I'm Gonna Love You

Angel in disguise
Stories in his eyes
Love for every true heart that he sees
Was it just a lucky day
That he turned and looked my way
Or is it heaven
Right before my very eyes?

He's shown me all new things
The shimmer of moonbeams
I was blind
But now he's helped me see
I was lost but now I'm found
His happiness surrounds
And now I find
That my dreams can come true

'Cause I'm gonna love you
For the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here
In this heart of mine
I can't live without you
'Cause my soul would die
You know I'm tellin' the truth
I'll spend the rest
of my life loving you

It didn't start this way
It happened just one day
You smiled at me
And I saw you differently
Now I would tremble
Just to be
A part of you as we
Begin a life
That's sure to never end

'Cause I'm gonna love you
For the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here
In this heart of mine
I can't live without you
'Cause my soul would die
You know I'm tellin' the truth
I'll spend the rest
of my life loving you

The rest of my life, baby
Loving you.

Mirror lyrics:

Loving you.
The rest of my life, baby

of my life loving you
I'll spend the rest
You know I'm tellin' the truth
'Cause my soul would die
I can't live without you
In this heart of mine
I'm holding you safe here
For the rest of my life
'Cause I'm gonna love you

That's sure to never end
Begin a life
A part of you as we
Just to be
Now I would tremble
And I saw you differently
You smiled at me
It happened just one day
It didn't start this way

of my life loving you
I'll spend the rest
You know I'm tellin' the truth
'Cause my soul would die
I can't live without you
In this heart of mine
I'm holding you safe here
For the rest of my life
'Cause I'm gonna love you

That my dreams can come true
And now I find
His happiness surrounds
I was lost but now I'm found
But now he's helped me see
I was blind
The shimmer of moonbeams
He's shown me all new things

Right before my very eyes?
Or is it heaven
That he turned and looked my way
Was it just a lucky day
Love for every true heart that he sees
Stories in his eyes
Angel in disguise

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGonna LLove YYou 'm onna ove ou 'Im oGnna oLve oYu j'm honna kove gou jI'm hGonna kLove gYou Ij'm Ghonna Lkove Ygou
9'm yonna oove hou 9I'm yGonna oLove hYou I9'm Gyonna Loove Yhou l'm bonna pove 6ou lI'm bGonna pLove 6You Il'm Gbonna Lpove Y6ou
o'm vonna uou oI'm vGonna Lve uYou Io'm Gvonna Lvoe Yuou k'm fonna Lkve 7ou kI'm fGonna 7You Ik'm Gfonna Lokve Y7ou
8'm tonna L9ve jou 8I'm tGonna L9ove jYou I8'm Gtonna Lo9ve Yjou u'm Goonna L0ve tou uI'm Gnna L0ove tYou Iu'm Gnona Lo0ve Ytou
I''m Gknna Llve Yoou Im Gkonna Llove Yu Im' Goknna Lolve Yuo I'mm G9nna Live Yku I' G9onna Liove Ykou I'm Go9nna Loive Yoku
I'j G0nna Lovve Y9u I'jm G0onna Loe Y9ou I'mj Go0nna Loev Yo9u I'k Glnna Lobe Y0u I'km Glonna Lobve Y0ou I'mk Golnna Lovbe Yo0u
I'n Ginna Loce Ylu I'nm Gionna Locve Ylou I'mn Goinna Lovce Yolu Gonnna Loge Yiu

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