Thomas O'malley Cat

I like a cheech-a-cheech-chee-roni
Like they make at home
Or a healthy fish with the big backbone
I'm Abraham deLacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley, the alley cat!

I've got that wanderlust
Gotta walk the scene
Gotta kick up highway dust
Feel the grass that's green
Gotta strut them city streets
Showin' off my eclat, yeah
Tellin' my friends of the social elite
Or some cute cat I happen to meet
I'm Abraham deLacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley, the alley cat!

I'm king of the highway
Prince of the boulevard
Duke of avant garde
The world is my backyard
So if you're goin' my way
That's the road you wanna seek
Calcutta to Rome or
Home-sweet-home in Paris
Magnifique, you all

I only got myself
And this big old world
When I sip that cup of life
With my fingers curled
I don't worry what road to take
I don't have to think of that
Whatever I take is the road I make
It's the road of life make no mistake, for me
Yeah, Abraham deLacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley, the alley cat!

That's right
And I'm very proud of that

Mirror lyrics:

And I'm very proud of that
That's right

O'Malley, the alley cat!
Thomas O'Malley
Giuseppe Casey
Yeah, Abraham deLacy
It's the road of life make no mistake, for me
Whatever I take is the road I make
I don't have to think of that
I don't worry what road to take
With my fingers curled
When I sip that cup of life
And this big old world
I only got myself

Magnifique, you all
Home-sweet-home in Paris
Calcutta to Rome or
That's the road you wanna seek
So if you're goin' my way
The world is my backyard
Duke of avant garde
Prince of the boulevard
I'm king of the highway

O'Malley, the alley cat!
Thomas O'Malley
Giuseppe Casey
I'm Abraham deLacy
Or some cute cat I happen to meet
Tellin' my friends of the social elite
Showin' off my eclat, yeah
Gotta strut them city streets
Feel the grass that's green
Gotta kick up highway dust
Gotta walk the scene
I've got that wanderlust

O'Malley, the alley cat!
Thomas O'Malley
Giuseppe Casey
I'm Abraham deLacy
Or a healthy fish with the big backbone
Like they make at home
I like a cheech-a-cheech-chee-roni

Relevant Tags:
TThomas OO'malley CCat homas 'malley at hTomas 'Omalley aCt fhomas k'malley fat fThomas kO'malley fCat Tfhomas Ok'malley Cfat
5homas 9'malley xat 5Thomas 9O'malley xCat T5homas O9'malley Cxat hhomas 0'malley vat hThomas 0O'malley vCat Thhomas O0'malley Cvat
yhomas l'malley dat yThomas lO'malley dCat Tyhomas Ol'malley Cdat 6homas i'malley Caat 6Thomas iO'malley Ct T6homas Oi'malley Cta
ghomas O''malley Czt gThomas Omalley Czat Tghomas Om'alley Cazt rhomas O'mmalley Cqt rThomas O'alley Cqat Trhomas O'amlley Caqt
O'jalley Cst Tomas O'jmalley Csat Tohmas O'mjalley Cast Tjomas O'kalley Cwt Tjhomas O'kmalley Cwat Thjomas O'mkalley Cawt
Tuomas O'nalley Cxt Tuhomas O'nmalley Thuomas O'mnalley Caxt Tnomas O'maalley Catt Tnhomas O'mlley Ca Thnomas O'mlaley Cat
Tbomas O'mzlley Caf Tbhomas O'mzalley Caft Thbomas O'mazlley Catf Tgomas O'mqlley Ca5 O'mqalley Ca5t Thgomas O'maqlley Cat5
Tyomas O'mslley Cah O'msalley Caht Thyomas O'maslley Cath Thoomas O'mwlley Cay Thmas O'mwalley Cayt Thmoas O'mawlley Caty
Thkmas O'mxlley Ca6 Thkomas O'mxalley Ca6t Thokmas O'maxlley Cat6 Th9mas O'mallley Cag Th9omas O'maley Cagt Tho9mas O'malley Catg
Th0mas O'makley Car Th0omas O'maklley Cart Tho0mas O'malkley Catr Thlmas O'maoley Thlomas O'maolley

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