Dog Eat Dog
No Frants (jam Master Jay's Main Edit)

(dog eat dog coming now on the now fronts remix)
(here we go)

Still down with the fat joints
And only getting bigger
Respect to my man JMJ ith the zigga
Dog eat dog what we are to say
we can hit this jam in the old school way
So rock you body and roll your mind
Hip-Hop is the spirit if you know the time
Are we Glowing? (yeah)
Spot blowing (you know it)
By the smell of the skunk
Iits the funk we flowing
So split the blunt
reach for the sack
Ease of your mind
Never look back
Inhale deeply
Now pass it around
Come on every body
Lets all get down

No fronts, No tricks
No soapbox politics
No guns, just Blunts
We kick this just for fun

I'm here to introduce a member to you
a life time member of the dog eat dog crew
Its me JC, i'm the AKG
And can nobody rock the mic like me
All around the world we do our thing
and if your wack step back
'coz were down with the king
So drop that bass, smack with the drum
now heavy on the horn, now it weighs a ton

Repeat Chorus

yeah nothing but the fun of it

and this is how we do it

I'm sick

this is how we do it
yeah, yeah, yeah
this is how its done

All right kid what you want you get
many different styles that we present
time to show and prove if your in the groove
don't sleep as we can make a move
but come correct 'cos vibes are true
No F. R.O.N.T.S true
Now that is the style have no fear
Jay hit the Fader
Peace i'm Outta here

Mirror lyrics:

Peace i'm Outta here
Jay hit the Fader
Now that is the style have no fear
No F. R.O.N.T.S true
but come correct 'cos vibes are true
don't sleep as we can make a move
time to show and prove if your in the groove
many different styles that we present
All right kid what you want you get

this is how its done
yeah, yeah, yeah
this is how we do it

I'm sick

and this is how we do it

yeah nothing but the fun of it

Repeat Chorus

now heavy on the horn, now it weighs a ton
So drop that bass, smack with the drum
'coz were down with the king
and if your wack step back
All around the world we do our thing
And can nobody rock the mic like me
Its me JC, i'm the AKG
a life time member of the dog eat dog crew
I'm here to introduce a member to you

We kick this just for fun
No guns, just Blunts
No soapbox politics
No fronts, No tricks

Lets all get down
Come on every body
Now pass it around
Inhale deeply
Never look back
Ease of your mind
reach for the sack
So split the blunt
Iits the funk we flowing
By the smell of the skunk
Spot blowing (you know it)
Are we Glowing? (yeah)
Hip-Hop is the spirit if you know the time
So rock you body and roll your mind
we can hit this jam in the old school way
Dog eat dog what we are to say
Respect to my man JMJ ith the zigga
And only getting bigger
Still down with the fat joints

(here we go)
(dog eat dog coming now on the now fronts remix)

Relevant Tags:
NNo FFrants ((jam MMaster JJay's MMain EEdit) o rants jam aster ay's ain dit) oN rFants j(am aMster aJy's aMin dEit)
mo crants (jjam jaster kay's jain sdit) mNo cFrants (am jMaster kJay's jMain sEdit) Nmo Fcrants (ajm Mjaster Jkay's Mjain Esdit)
ho rrants (kam kaster iay's kain 3dit) hNo rFrants (kjam kMaster iJay's kMain 3Edit) Nho Frrants (jkam Mkaster Jiay's Mkain E3dit)
jo grants (iam naster may's nain fdit) jNo gFrants (ijam nMaster mJay's nMain fEdit) Njo Fgrants (jiam Mnaster Jmay's Mnain Efdit)
bo trants (mam Maaster nay's Maain rdit) bNo tFrants (mjam Mster nJay's Min rEdit) Nbo Ftrants (jmam Msater Jnay's Mian Erdit)
Noo vrants (nam Mzster hay's Mzin 4dit) N vFrants (njam Mzaster hJay's Mzain 4Edit) No Fvrants (jnam Mazster Jhay's Mazin E4dit)
Nk drants (ham Mqster uay's Mqin ddit) Nko dFrants (hjam Mqaster uJay's Mqain dEdit) Nok Fdrants (jham Maqster Juay's Maqin Eddit)
N9 (uam Msster Jaay's Msin wdit) N9o Fants (ujam Msaster Jy's Msain wEdit) No9 Farnts (juam Masster Jya's Masin Ewdit)
N0 Fdants (jaam Mwster Jzy's Mwin N0o (jm Mwaster Jzay's Mwain Eit) No0 Frdants (jma Mawster Jazy's Mawin Eidt)
Nl F4ants (jzm Mxster Jqy's Mxin Exit) Nlo F4rants (jzam Mxaster Jqay's Mxain Exdit) Nol Fr4ants (jazm Maxster Jaqy's Maxin Edxit)
Ni Fgants (jqm Jsy's Maiin Eeit) Nio (jqam Mater Jsay's Man Eedit) Noi Frgants (jaqm Matser Jasy's Mani Edeit)
Ftants (jsm Mazter Jwy's Majn Efit) (jsam Jway's Majin Frtants (jasm Maszter Jawy's Maijn Edfit)
F5ants (jwm Mawter Jxy's Ma9n Erit) F5rants (jwam Jxay's Ma9in Fr5ants (jawm Maswter Jaxy's Mai9n Edrit)
Ffants (jxm Madter Jayy's Maln Ecit) Ffrants (jxam Madster Ja's Malin Ecdit) Frfants (jaxm Masdter Ja'ys Mailn Edcit)
Feants (jamm Maeter Jag's Maon Esit) Ferants (ja Maester Jagy's Maoin Freants (jam Maseter Jayg's Maion Edsit)
Fraants (jaj Maxter Jah's Makn Ediit) Frnts (jajm Jahy's Makin Edt) Frnats (jamj Masxter Jayh's Maikn Edti)
Frznts (jak Maater Ja6's Ma8n Edjt) Frzants (jakm Ja6y's Ma8in Edjit) Fraznts (jamk Masater Jay6's Mai8n Edijt)
Frqnts (jan Mastter Jau's Maun Ed9t) Frqants (janm Maser Jauy's Mauin Ed9it) Fraqnts (jamn Masetr Jayu's Maiun Edi9t)
Frsnts Masfer Ja7's Mainn Edlt) Frsants Masfter Ja7y's Mai Edlit) Frasnts Mastfer Jay7's Main Edilt)
Frwnts Mas5er Jaj's Maim Edot) Frwants Mas5ter Jajy's Maimn Edoit)

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