Disney Babies
To Be A Princess (part Ii)

To be a princess
Is to know which spoon to use
To be a princess
Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes
To maintain a regal gaite
Leave the parsley on your plate
And be charming but detached
And yet amused
To be a princess
Is to never be confused

Do a plié and never fall
Don't ever stray from protocol
All through the day
There's just one way
You must behave
Do keep a grip and never crack
Stiff upper lip and arch the back
Bend from above
And always wear your gloves
And wave

Shoulders back and
Tummy in and
Pinky out and
Lift the chin and
Slowly turn the head from side to side

I see now

Breathing gently
Stepping lightly
Smile brightly
Nod politely
Never show a thing you feel inside

To be a princess
Is to always look your best
To be a princess
Is to never get to rest
Sit for a portrait, never squirm
Sleep on a mattress extra firm
Speak and be clever
Never at a loss for words
Curtsy to every count and lord
Learn how to play the harpsichord
Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds

Thirds, thirds

She has beautiful eyes
Your spirits rise
When she walks in the room

I see

Doors close
And the chemistry grows
She's like a rose
That's forever in bloom

Do a plié and don't
(Ever ever ever fall)
Never show dismay
(And be there when people call)
Be prepared whatever royal life will bring
Do keep a grip and don't
(Ever ever ever crack)
Take a dainty sip
(Never ever turn your back)
There's a time and place and way for everything
To be a princess
Is to never make your bed
To be a princess
Is to always use your head

Mirror lyrics:

Is to always use your head
To be a princess
Is to never make your bed
To be a princess
There's a time and place and way for everything
(Never ever turn your back)
Take a dainty sip
(Ever ever ever crack)
Do keep a grip and don't
Be prepared whatever royal life will bring
(And be there when people call)
Never show dismay
(Ever ever ever fall)
Do a plié and don't

That's forever in bloom
She's like a rose
And the chemistry grows
Doors close

I see

When she walks in the room
Your spirits rise
She has beautiful eyes

Thirds, thirds

Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds
Learn how to play the harpsichord
Curtsy to every count and lord
Never at a loss for words
Speak and be clever
Sleep on a mattress extra firm
Sit for a portrait, never squirm
Is to never get to rest
To be a princess
Is to always look your best
To be a princess

Never show a thing you feel inside
Nod politely
Smile brightly
Stepping lightly
Breathing gently

I see now

Slowly turn the head from side to side
Lift the chin and
Pinky out and
Tummy in and
Shoulders back and

And wave
And always wear your gloves
Bend from above
Stiff upper lip and arch the back
Do keep a grip and never crack
You must behave
There's just one way
All through the day
Don't ever stray from protocol
Do a plié and never fall

Is to never be confused
To be a princess
And yet amused
And be charming but detached
Leave the parsley on your plate
To maintain a regal gaite
Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes
To be a princess
Is to know which spoon to use
To be a princess

Relevant Tags:
TTo BBe AA PPrincess ((part IIi) o e rincess part i) oT eB A rPincess p(art iI) fo ve z 0rincess (ppart ji) fTo vBe zA 0Princess (art jIi)
Tfo Bve Az P0rincess (aprt Iji) 5o ge q lrincess (0art 9i) 5To gBe qA lPrincess (0part 9Ii) T5o Bge Aq Plrincess (p0art I9i) ho ne s orincess (lart li)
hTo nBe sA oPrincess (lpart lIi) Tho Bne As Porincess (plart Ili) yo he w Prrincess (oart oi) yTo hBe wA Pincess (opart oIi) Tyo Bhe Aw Pirncess (poart Ioi)
6o Bee x Pdincess (paart ki) 6To B xA Pdrincess (prt kIi) T6o Be Ax Prdincess (prat Iki) go Bs P4incess (pzrt 8i) gTo Bse P4rincess (pzart 8Ii)
Tgo Bes Pr4incess (pazrt I8i) ro B3 Pgincess (pqrt ui) rTo B3e Pgrincess (pqart uIi) Tro Be3 Prgincess (paqrt Iui) Too Bf Ptincess (psrt Iii)
T Bfe Ptrincess (psart I) To Bef Prtincess (pasrt I)i Tk Br P5incess (pwrt Ij) Tko Bre P5rincess (pwart Tok Ber Pr5incess (pawrt Iij)
T9 B4 Pfincess (pxrt I9) T9o B4e Pfrincess (pxart To9 Be4 Prfincess (paxrt Ii9) T0 Bd Peincess (parrt Il) T0o Bde Perincess (pat
To0 Bed Preincess (patr Iil) Tl Bw Priincess (padt Io) Tlo Bwe Prncess (padrt Tol Bew Prnicess (pardt Iio) Ti Prjncess (pa4t Ik)
Tio Prjincess (pa4rt Toi Prijncess (par4t Iik) Pr9ncess (pagt I8) Pr9incess (pagrt Pri9ncess (pargt Ii8)
Prlncess (patt Iu) Prlincess (patrt Prilncess (partt Iiu) Proncess (pa5t Ii)) Proincess (pa5rt Ii
Prioncess (par5t Ii) Prkncess (paft Prkincess (pafrt Prikncess (parft Pr8ncess (paet
Pr8incess (paert Pri8ncess (paret Pruncess Pruincess (par Priuncess (part
Prinncess (parf Pricess Pricness (partf Primcess (par5 Primncess
Prinmcess (part5 Prihcess (parh Prihncess (parht Prinhcess (parth Prijcess (pary

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