Dismemberment Plan
Spider In The Snow

The only thing worse than bad memories
Is no memories at all
From the age of 20 to 22 I had five friends
None of whose names I can recall
And as I would walk down K Street to some temping job
As winter froze the life out of fall
Yeah, I must've been having a ball
Different scene outside your window now
Same VCR, same cats
Different people at the very same job
Similar alley, different rats
The trash goes out on a Tuesday now
You got to make a note about that
Yeah, this time you're where it's at
You can't say it but I know it's in there
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
Obvious and lonely, a spider in the snow
Now you find the very same pit still yawns
Deep down within the very same gut
The very same ghosts still seem to haunt you down
Down those lines you always tried to cut
You thought you just might need a little change
And now you find you got nothing but
How can a body move the speed of light
And still find itself in such a rut?
You can't say it but I know it's in there
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
Obvious and lonely, afraid to not let go
You can't say it but I know it's in there
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
Obvious and lonely, a spider in the snow

Mirror lyrics:

Obvious and lonely, a spider in the snow
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
You can't say it but I know it's in there
Obvious and lonely, afraid to not let go
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
You can't say it but I know it's in there
And still find itself in such a rut?
How can a body move the speed of light
And now you find you got nothing but
You thought you just might need a little change
Down those lines you always tried to cut
The very same ghosts still seem to haunt you down
Deep down within the very same gut
Now you find the very same pit still yawns
Obvious and lonely, a spider in the snow
You don't know it but I know that you're scared
You can't say it but I know it's in there
Yeah, this time you're where it's at
You got to make a note about that
The trash goes out on a Tuesday now
Similar alley, different rats
Different people at the very same job
Same VCR, same cats
Different scene outside your window now
Yeah, I must've been having a ball
As winter froze the life out of fall
And as I would walk down K Street to some temping job
None of whose names I can recall
From the age of 20 to 22 I had five friends
Is no memories at all
The only thing worse than bad memories

Relevant Tags:
SSpider IIn TThe SSnow pider n he now pSider nI hTe nSow zpider jn fhe znow zSpider jIn fThe zSnow Szpider Ijn Tfhe Sznow
wpider 9n 5he wnow wSpider 9In 5The wSnow Swpider I9n T5he Swnow dpider ln hhe dnow dSpider lIn hThe dSnow Sdpider Iln Thhe Sdnow
epider on yhe enow eSpider oIn yThe eSnow Sepider Ion Tyhe Senow xpider kn 6he xnow xSpider kIn 6The xSnow Sxpider Ikn T6he Sxnow
apider 8n ghe anow aSpider 8In gThe aSnow Sapider I8n Tghe Sanow Sppider un rhe Snnow Sider uIn rThe Sow Sipder Iun Trhe Sonw
S0ider Inn Smow S0pider I Te Smnow Sp0ider In Teh Snmow Slider Im Tje Show Slpider Imn Tjhe Shnow Splider Inm Thje Snhow
Soider Ih Tue Sjow Sopider Ihn Tuhe Sjnow Spoider Inh Thue Snjow Spiider Ij Tne Sbow Spder Tnhe Sbnow Spdier Inj Thne Snbow
Spjder Ib Tbe Snoow Spjider Ibn Tbhe Snw Spijder Inb Thbe Snwo Sp9der Tge Snkw Sp9ider Snkow Spi9der Thge Snokw
Splder Tye Sn9w Sn9ow Spilder Thye Sno9w Spoder Thee Sn0w Th Sn0ow Spioder The Sno0w
Spkder Ths Snlw Spkider Thse Snlow Spikder Thes Snolw Sp8der Th3 Sniw Sp8ider Th3e Sniow Spi8der The3 Snoiw
Spuder Thf Snoww Spuider Thfe Sno Spiuder Thef Snow

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