Counting Blue Cars

Must've been mid afternoon
I could tell by how far the child's shadow stretched out and
He walked with a purpose
In his sneakers, down the street
He had, many questions
Like children often do
He said,
"Tell me all your thoughts on God?"
"Tell me am I very far?"

Must've been late afternoon
On our way the sun broke free of the clouds
We count only blue cars
Skip the cracks, in the street
And ask many questions
Like children often do
We said,
"Tell me all your thoughts on God?
"'Cause I would really like to meet her.
And ask her why we're who we are.
Tell me all your thoughts on God,
Cause I am on my way to see her.
So tell me am I very far -
Am I very far now?"

Its getting cold picked up the pace
How our shoes make hard noises in this place
Our clothes are stained
We pass many, cross eyed people
And ask many questions
Like children often do

"Tell me all your thoughts on God?
'Cause I would really like to meet her.
And ask her why we're who we are.
Tell me all your thoughts on God?
'Cause I am on my way to see her.
So tell me am I very far?"
Am I very far now
Am I very far now
Am I very far now

Mirror lyrics:

Am I very far now
Am I very far now
Am I very far now
So tell me am I very far?"
'Cause I am on my way to see her.
Tell me all your thoughts on God?
And ask her why we're who we are.
'Cause I would really like to meet her.
"Tell me all your thoughts on God?

Like children often do
And ask many questions
We pass many, cross eyed people
Our clothes are stained
How our shoes make hard noises in this place
Its getting cold picked up the pace

Am I very far now?"
So tell me am I very far -
Cause I am on my way to see her.
Tell me all your thoughts on God,
And ask her why we're who we are.
"'Cause I would really like to meet her.
"Tell me all your thoughts on God?
We said,
Like children often do
And ask many questions
Skip the cracks, in the street
We count only blue cars
On our way the sun broke free of the clouds
Must've been late afternoon

"Tell me am I very far?"
"Tell me all your thoughts on God?"
He said,
Like children often do
He had, many questions
In his sneakers, down the street
He walked with a purpose
I could tell by how far the child's shadow stretched out and
Must've been mid afternoon

Relevant Tags:
CCounting BBlue CCars ounting lue ars oCunting lBue aCrs founting vlue fars fCounting vBlue fCars Cfounting Bvlue Cfars
xounting glue xars xCounting gBlue xCars Cxounting Bglue Cxars vounting nlue vars vCounting nBlue vCars Cvounting Bnlue Cvars
dounting hlue dars dCounting hBlue dCars Cdounting Bhlue Cdars Coounting Bllue Caars Cunting Bue Crs Cuonting Bule Cras
Ckunting Bkue Czrs Ckounting Bklue Czars Cokunting Blkue Cazrs C9unting Boue Cqrs C9ounting Bolue Cqars Co9unting Bloue Caqrs
C0unting Bpue Csrs C0ounting Bplue Csars Co0unting Blpue Casrs Clunting Bluue Cwrs Clounting Ble Cwars Colunting Bleu Cawrs
Ciunting Blhe Cxrs Ciounting Blhue Coiunting Bluhe Caxrs Couunting Bl7e Carrs Conting Bl7ue Cas Conuting Blu7e Casr
Cohnting Blke Cads Cohunting Cadrs Couhnting Bluke Cards Co7nting Blie Ca4s Co7unting Bliue Ca4rs Cou7nting Bluie Car4s
Coknting Bl8e Cags Bl8ue Cagrs Couknting Blu8e Cargs Cointing Blje Cats Bljue Catrs Couinting Bluje Carts
Co8nting Blye Ca5s Co8unting Blyue Ca5rs Cou8nting Bluye Car5s Cojnting Bluee Cafs Cojunting Blu Cafrs Coujnting Blue Carfs
Coynting Blus Caes Coyunting Bluse Caers Couynting Blues Cares Counnting Blu3 Carss Couting Blu3e Car Coutning Blue3 Cars
Coumting Bluf Carz Coumnting Blufe Carzs Counmting Bluef Carsz Couhting Blur Carw Blure Carws Counhting Bluer Carsw
Coujting Blu4 Card Blu4e Counjting Blue4 Carsd Coubting Blud Care Coubnting Blude Counbting Blued Carse
Countting Bluw Carx Couning Bluwe Carxs

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