Disco Ensemble
We Might Fall Apart

There's something strange about the way the tap-water tastes
Making speeches for the walls gets harder with every phrase
I woke up and everyone had gone
I woke up when the sun was setting
I woke up and you were gone away

On any given day
We might fall apart (We might fall apart)
On any minute now
We might fall apart (Just like a house of cards)

There's something strange about the way the horizon glows
We'll lie down on the road and cars drive inches from our toes
I woke up and everyone had gone
I woke up when the sun was setting
I woke up and you were gone away

Maybe it's the chloroform kicking in,
the chloroform is kicking in or maybe we've given in

On any given day
We might fall apart (We might fall apart)
On any minute now
We might fall apart (Just like a house of cards)

Mirror lyrics:

We might fall apart (Just like a house of cards)
On any minute now
We might fall apart (We might fall apart)
On any given day

the chloroform is kicking in or maybe we've given in
Maybe it's the chloroform kicking in,

I woke up and you were gone away
I woke up when the sun was setting
I woke up and everyone had gone
We'll lie down on the road and cars drive inches from our toes
There's something strange about the way the horizon glows

We might fall apart (Just like a house of cards)
On any minute now
We might fall apart (We might fall apart)
On any given day

I woke up and you were gone away
I woke up when the sun was setting
I woke up and everyone had gone
Making speeches for the walls gets harder with every phrase
There's something strange about the way the tap-water tastes

Relevant Tags:
WWe MMight FFall AApart e ight all part eW iMght aFll pAart ae jight call zpart aWe jMight cFall zApart Wae Mjight Fcall Azpart
3e kight rall qpart 3We kMight rFall qApart W3e Mkight Frall Aqpart de night gall spart dWe nMight gFall sApart Wde Mnight Fgall Aspart
ee Miight tall wpart eWe Mght tFall wApart Wee Mgiht Ftall Awpart se Mjght vall xpart sWe vFall xApart Wse Mijght Fvall Axpart
2e M9ght dall Appart 2We M9ight dFall Aart W2e Mi9ght Fdall Aaprt qe Mlght Faall A0art qWe Mlight Fll A0part Wqe Milght Flal Ap0art
Moght Fzll Alart W Moight Fzall Alpart We Mioght Fazll Aplart Ws Mkght Fqll Aoart Fqall Aopart Wes Mikght Faqll Apoart
W3 M8ght Fsll Apaart M8ight Fsall Aprt We3 Mi8ght Fasll Aprat Wf Mught Fwll Apzrt Wfe Muight Fwall Apzart Wef Miught Fawll Apazrt
Wr Migght Fxll Apqrt Wre Miht Fxall Apqart Wer Mihgt Faxll Apaqrt W4 Mihht Falll Apsrt W4e Mihght Fal Apsart We4 Mighht Fall Apasrt
Wd Miyht Fakl Apwrt Miyght Fakll Apwart Wed Migyht Falkl Apawrt Ww Mibht Faol Apxrt Wwe Mibght Faoll Apxart

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