Di Rect
Angel Dust

Many times as you slept I've told you this
You're the one, you're my world, hopes and dreams
I have cried sweet sweet tears
Liquid words ran down my cheeks

I thank you, my only star
Everyday you bring me
Your precious love
A light in the dark
Angel dust

Livin' in ecstasy with you next to me
All I know without you I'd come undone
Liquid words would come out wrong
You're my drug, my rising sun

I thank you, my only star
Everyday you bring me
That precious love
An angel was sent
Angel dust

Lets get it on together alone
So much to life, reveal the unknown

I thank you, my shining star
Everyday you take me
Around the world
Everyday I need
My angel dust

The magic comes right of your hand
I'll follow your steps in the sand

Mirror lyrics:

I'll follow your steps in the sand
The magic comes right of your hand

My angel dust
Everyday I need
Around the world
Everyday you take me
I thank you, my shining star

So much to life, reveal the unknown
Lets get it on together alone

Angel dust
An angel was sent
That precious love
Everyday you bring me
I thank you, my only star

You're my drug, my rising sun
Liquid words would come out wrong
All I know without you I'd come undone
Livin' in ecstasy with you next to me

Angel dust
A light in the dark
Your precious love
Everyday you bring me
I thank you, my only star

Liquid words ran down my cheeks
I have cried sweet sweet tears
You're the one, you're my world, hopes and dreams
Many times as you slept I've told you this

Relevant Tags:
AAngel DDust ngel ust nAgel uDst zngel xust zAngel xDust Azngel Dxust qngel eust qAngel eDust Aqngel Deust sngel fust sAngel fDust
Asngel Dfust wngel rust wAngel rDust Awngel Drust xngel cust xAngel cDust Axngel Dcust Anngel sust Agel sDust Agnel Dsust Amgel Duust
Amngel Dst Anmgel Dsut Ahgel Dhst Ahngel Dhust Anhgel Duhst Ajgel D7st Ajngel D7ust Anjgel Du7st Abgel Dkst Abngel Dkust Anbgel Dukst
Anggel Dist Anel Diust Anegl Duist Anhel D8st D8ust Anghel Du8st Anyel Djst Anygel Djust Angyel Dujst Anbel Dyst Dyust
Angbel Duyst

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