Dionne Bromfield
Two Can Have A Party

Who needs the noise of a party crowd
Who needs the records turned up loud
When two, we two can have a party all alone?
Oh yeah

Ooo pretty music, a cozy chair
Lights down low and I'm holding you near
Oh baby, we two can have a party all alone
Oh yeah

When we are together, I'm like a feather
Floating in the air
I don't care where we're going
Just as long as you are there
Oh baby
Me and you, you and me
We can have a party, just wait and see
Oh well, two, we two can have a party all alone
Yes we can (x2)

Baby, two, we two can have a party all alone
Nobody else, you and me, hah, all alone
Pretty, pretty music, a cozy chair, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Pretty, pretty music, a cozy chair, yeah
Nobody else, you and me, hah, all alone
Baby, two, we two can have a party all alone

Yes we can (x2)
Oh well, two, we two can have a party all alone
We can have a party, just wait and see
Me and you, you and me
Oh baby
Just as long as you are there
I don't care where we're going
Floating in the air
When we are together, I'm like a feather

Oh yeah
Oh baby, we two can have a party all alone
Lights down low and I'm holding you near
Ooo pretty music, a cozy chair

Oh yeah
When two, we two can have a party all alone?
Who needs the records turned up loud
Who needs the noise of a party crowd

Relevant Tags:
TTwo CCan HHave AA PParty wo an ave arty wTo aCn aHve A aPrty fwo fan jave z 0arty fTwo fCan jHave zA 0Party Tfwo Cfan Hjave Az P0arty
5wo xan uave q larty 5Two xCan uHave qA lParty T5wo Cxan Huave Aq Plarty hwo van nave s oarty hTwo vCan nHave sA oParty Thwo Cvan Hnave As Poarty
ywo dan bave w Paarty yTwo dCan bHave wA Prty Tywo Cdan Hbave Aw Praty 6wo Caan gave x Pzrty 6Two Cn gHave xA Pzarty T6wo Cna Hgave Ax Pazrty
gwo Czn yave Pqrty gTwo Czan yHave Pqarty Tgwo Cazn Hyave Paqrty rwo Cqn Haave Psrty rTwo Cqan Hve Psarty Trwo Caqn Hvae Pasrty
Twwo Csn Hzve Pwrty To Csan Hzave Pwarty Tow Casn Hazve Pawrty Tao Cwn Hqve Pxrty Tawo Cwan Hqave Pxarty Twao Cawn Haqve Paxrty
T3o Cxn Hsve Parrty T3wo Hsave Paty Tw3o Caxn Hasve Patry Tdo Cann Hwve Padty Tdwo Ca Hwave Padrty Twdo Can Hawve Pardty
Teo Cam Hxve Pa4ty Tewo Camn Hxave Pa4rty Tweo Canm Haxve Par4ty Tso Cah Havve Pagty Tswo Cahn Hae Pagrty Twso Canh Haev Pargty
T2o Caj Habe Patty T2wo Cajn Habve Patrty Tw2o Canj Havbe Partty Tqo Cab Hace Pa5ty

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