The King Of Rock And Roll

Hot nights - summer in the city
Just about to smoke and burn
Look out - He's evil but he's pretty
And oh he's gonna twist and turn

He's got the midnight madness
He's got control

He's the King of Rock and Roll

Bad blood - Everybody knows it
But everybody doesn't care
He's got the only way to show it
They want to see it everywhere
He's got to give you fever
He'll scratch your soul

He's the King of Rock and Roll
He's the King of Rock and Roll

Bad boy - Always on the cover
Gettin' the story told
Fast Fast - One way or another
Cause he'll never never never never never get old

He makes a special magic
And you've got control
You are the King of Rock and Roll

He's got the midnight madness
He's got a soul

Cause he's the King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll

Mirror lyrics:

The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
Cause he's the King of Rock and Roll

He's got a soul
He's got the midnight madness

You are the King of Rock and Roll
And you've got control
He makes a special magic

Cause he'll never never never never never get old
Fast Fast - One way or another
Gettin' the story told
Bad boy - Always on the cover

He's the King of Rock and Roll
He's the King of Rock and Roll

He'll scratch your soul
He's got to give you fever
They want to see it everywhere
He's got the only way to show it
But everybody doesn't care
Bad blood - Everybody knows it

He's the King of Rock and Roll

He's got control
He's got the midnight madness

And oh he's gonna twist and turn
Look out - He's evil but he's pretty
Just about to smoke and burn
Hot nights - summer in the city

Relevant Tags:
TThe KKing OOf RRock AAnd RRoll he ing f ock nd oll hTe iKng fO oRck nAd oRll fhe ling kf dock znd doll fThe lKing kOf dRock zAnd dRoll
Tfhe Kling Okf Rdock Aznd Rdoll 5he oing 9f 4ock qnd 4oll 5The oKing 9Of 4Rock qAnd 4Roll T5he Koing O9f R4ock Aqnd R4oll hhe ming 0f gock snd goll
hThe mKing 0Of gRock sAnd gRoll Thhe Kming O0f Rgock Asnd Rgoll yhe jing lf tock wnd toll yThe jKing lOf tRock wAnd tRoll Tyhe Kjing Olf Rtock Awnd Rtoll
6he iing if 5ock xnd 5oll 6The iKing iOf 5Rock xAnd 5Roll T6he Kiing Oif R5ock Axnd R5oll ghe Off fock Annd foll gThe Kng O fRock Ad fRoll
Tghe Knig Of Rfock Adn Rfoll rhe Kjng Oc eock Amd eoll rThe Ocf eRock Amnd eRoll Trhe Kijng Ofc Reock Anmd Reoll K9ng Or Roock Ahd Rooll
Te K9ing Orf Rck Ahnd Rll Teh Ki9ng Ofr Rcok Anhd Rlol Tje Klng Og Rkck Ajd Rkll Tjhe Ogf Rkock Ajnd Rkoll Thje Kilng Ofg Rokck Anjd Rokll
Tue Kong Ot R9ck Abd R9ll Tuhe Otf R9ock Abnd R9oll Thue Kiong Oft Ro9ck Anbd Ro9ll Tne Kkng Ov R0ck Andd R0ll Tnhe Kking Ovf R0ock An R0oll
Thne Kikng Ofv Ro0ck And Ro0ll Tbe K8ng Od Rlck Anx Rlll Tbhe K8ing Odf Rlock Anxd Rloll

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