Why Are They Watching Me

He was ready to rock and roll
So ready to lose control
But when a hungry heart
Gets a taste of freedom - you better look out

He was ready to push and shove
Ready to fight for love
But I've seen it before
And it can make you crazy
The eyes are what you see

Why are they watching me

She was ready to black and white
The colors were just too bright
She loved to fly
But she hated falling

She was caught in the in-between
Her dirty would not come clean
She ran for light
But she just got darkness

Just when you think you're free
The eyes are what you see

Why are they watching me
Why do they do the things they do
Why are they watching me
Watching you

If only the eyes could see
Then you'd know your destiny
The mind is an enemy
And you just need a friend

Are you ready for rock and roll
Ready to take control
If you see the eyes
Will it make you crazy - crazy


Mirror lyrics:


Will it make you crazy - crazy
If you see the eyes
Ready to take control
Are you ready for rock and roll

And you just need a friend
The mind is an enemy
Then you'd know your destiny
If only the eyes could see

Watching you
Why are they watching me
Why do they do the things they do
Why are they watching me

The eyes are what you see
Just when you think you're free

But she just got darkness
She ran for light
Her dirty would not come clean
She was caught in the in-between

But she hated falling
She loved to fly
The colors were just too bright
She was ready to black and white

Why are they watching me

The eyes are what you see
And it can make you crazy
But I've seen it before
Ready to fight for love
He was ready to push and shove

Gets a taste of freedom - you better look out
But when a hungry heart
So ready to lose control
He was ready to rock and roll

Relevant Tags:
WWhy AAre TThey WWatching MMe hy re hey atching e hWy rAe hTey aWtching eM ahy zre fhey aatching je aWhy zAre fThey aWatching jMe Wahy Azre Tfhey Waatching Mje
3hy qre 5hey 3atching ke 3Why qAre 5They 3Watching kMe W3hy Aqre T5hey W3atching Mke dhy sre hhey datching ne dWhy sAre hThey dWatching nMe Wdhy Asre Thhey Wdatching Mne
ehy wre yhey eatching Mee eWhy wAre yThey eWatching M Wehy Awre Tyhey Weatching Me shy xre 6hey satching Ms sWhy xAre 6They sWatching Mse Wshy Axre T6hey Wsatching Mes
2hy Arre ghey 2atching M3 2Why Ae gThey 2Watching M3e W2hy Aer Tghey W2atching Me3 qhy Ade rhey qatching Mf qWhy Adre rThey qWatching Mfe Wqhy Arde Trhey Wqatching Mef
Whhy A4e Mr Wy A4re Tey Wtching Mre Wyh Ar4e Tehy Wtaching Mer Wjy Age Tjey Wztching M4 Wjhy Agre Tjhey Wzatching M4e Whjy Arge Thjey Waztching Me4
Wuy Ate Tuey Wqtching Md Wuhy Atre Tuhey Mde Whuy Arte Thuey Waqtching Med Wny A5e Tney Wstching Mw Wnhy A5re Tnhey Mwe Whny Ar5e Thney Wastching Mew
Wby Afe Tbey Wwtching Wbhy Afre Tbhey Wwatching Whby Arfe Thbey Wawtching Wgy Aee Tgey Wxtching Wghy Aere Wxatching Whgy Aree Thgey Waxtching
Wyy Tyey Wattching Wyhy Ar Waching Whyy Are Thyey Wacthing Ars Theey Wafching Wh Arse Thy Waftching Why Ares Thye Watfching
Whg Ar3 Thsy Wa5ching Ar3e Thsey Wa5tching Whyg Are3 Thesy Wat5ching Whh Arf Th3y Wahching Th3ey Wahtching Whyh Aref The3y Wathching
Wh6 Arr Thfy Wayching Wh6y Thfey Waytching Why6 Arer Thefy Watyching Whu Ar4 Thry Wa6ching Threy Wa6tching Whyu Are4 Thery Wat6ching
Wh7 Ard Th4y Wagching Wh7y Th4ey Wagtching Why7 Ared The4y Watgching Whj Arw Thdy Warching Arwe Thdey Wartching Whyj Arew Thedy Watrching
Wht Thwy Watcching Whty Thwey Wathing Whyt Thewy Wathcing Theyy Watfhing The They Watcfhing
Theg Watxhing Thegy Watxching Theyg Watcxhing Theh Watvhing Thehy Watvching

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