Down By Law

take time to look around
past the lies, look in your soul
stand mute without a sound
the world is changing - just look away
and if you want to know the truth
I just don't know what to say
we used to stand for everything
now I can see it slipping away
take me away
cause I can't believe that you're the one to fall
I still remember when
we had a vision in our hands
and we gave it to the world
then you took your guns and blew yourselves away
in order to be good
does that mean we must be great?
everything I thought was wrong
we passed the torch
and now it's gone

Mirror lyrics:

and now it's gone
we passed the torch
everything I thought was wrong
does that mean we must be great?
in order to be good
then you took your guns and blew yourselves away
and we gave it to the world
we had a vision in our hands
I still remember when
cause I can't believe that you're the one to fall
take me away
now I can see it slipping away
we used to stand for everything
I just don't know what to say
and if you want to know the truth
the world is changing - just look away
stand mute without a sound
past the lies, look in your soul
take time to look around

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V9ision Vi9sion Vlsion Vlision Vilsion Vosion Voision Viosion Vksion Vkision Viksion
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Viszion Viwion Viwsion Viswion Vidion Vidsion Visdion Vieion Viesion Viseion Vixion

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