Dream Street
The Dream Is Gone

Hey, I just gotta say
Yeah yeah......Just tell me...

Why did you have to lie?
Can you hold your head up high?
After all this time I'm not your fallback guy
You didn't wanna 'Play'
Baby, I won't take the blame
That's why I must dismiss you
I won't miss you
‘Cause I don't intend on spending my whole life dreaming
I've been down that street before

It was magic when we met
And I never will forget
Baby after all is said and done
The dream is gone
‘Cause I just don't understand
We had the future in our hands
Baby there's no way to carry on
The dream is gone

Who said that love was fair?
It's gone beyond repair
If you're thinking of taking me over
Just don't go there
I gave with all my heart
But you tore it all apart
Look how that silly love song
Went so wrong
‘Cause I've always known I'd go out on my own
Guess it was just a matter of time


Such a close harmony
But we lost the beat
And now we're so far apart, oh yes we are
Now it's my destiny
Be anything I wanna be
We could have reached for the stars


No turning back, no no
Such a perfect dream come true
I gotta say goodbye, goodbye
You crossed the line and I don't need you by my side
So long, the dream is gone!

Mirror lyrics:

So long, the dream is gone!
You crossed the line and I don't need you by my side
I gotta say goodbye, goodbye
Such a perfect dream come true
No turning back, no no


We could have reached for the stars
Be anything I wanna be
Now it's my destiny
And now we're so far apart, oh yes we are
But we lost the beat
Such a close harmony


Guess it was just a matter of time
‘Cause I've always known I'd go out on my own
Went so wrong
Look how that silly love song
But you tore it all apart
I gave with all my heart
Just don't go there
If you're thinking of taking me over
It's gone beyond repair
Who said that love was fair?

The dream is gone
Baby there's no way to carry on
We had the future in our hands
‘Cause I just don't understand
The dream is gone
Baby after all is said and done
And I never will forget
It was magic when we met

I've been down that street before
‘Cause I don't intend on spending my whole life dreaming
I won't miss you
That's why I must dismiss you
Baby, I won't take the blame
You didn't wanna 'Play'
After all this time I'm not your fallback guy
Can you hold your head up high?
Why did you have to lie?

Yeah yeah......Just tell me...
Hey, I just gotta say

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDream IIs GGone he ream s one hTe rDeam sI oGne fhe xream js hone fThe xDream jIs hGone Tfhe Dxream Ijs Ghone
5he eream 9s yone 5The eDream 9Is yGone T5he Deream I9s Gyone hhe fream ls bone hThe fDream lIs bGone Thhe Dfream Ils Gbone
yhe rream os vone yThe rDream oIs vGone Tyhe Drream Ios Gvone 6he cream ks fone 6The cDream kIs fGone T6he Dcream Iks Gfone
ghe sream 8s tone gThe sDream 8Is tGone Tghe Dsream I8s Gtone rhe us Goone rThe Deam uIs Gne Trhe Deram Ius Gnoe
Ddeam Iss Gkne Te Ddream I Gkone Teh Drdeam Is Gokne Tje D4eam Iz G9ne Tjhe D4ream Izs G9one Thje Dr4eam Isz Go9ne
Tue Dgeam Iw G0ne Tuhe Dgream Iws G0one Thue Drgeam Isw Go0ne Tne Dteam Id Glne Tnhe Dtream Ids Glone Thne Drteam Isd Golne
Tbe D5eam Ie Gine Tbhe D5ream Ies Gione Thbe Dr5eam Ise Goine Tge Dfeam Ix Gonne Ixs Goe Thge Drfeam Isx Goen
Tye Deeam Ia Gome Ias Gomne Thye Dreeam Isa Gonme

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