What Are We Gonna Do

It's April 21st and everybody knows today is Earth Day
Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday to whoever's being born
And now I'm trying hard to think of something
meaningful and worthy, kind of earthy
to make everybody ask themselves just

What are we doing here?
and what are we doing to her?

I don't know
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?

2041, the world is gonna end, I've got the message
from a tiny little man who only said that he'd been sent
I'm not a protest singer, I can't write a song to send a message
but it seems to me that this message needed to be sent

What are we doing here?
and what are we doing to her?

I don't know
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?

It's April 21st and everybody knows today is Earth Day
Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday to whoever's being ....

Mirror lyrics:

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday to whoever's being ....
It's April 21st and everybody knows today is Earth Day

What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
I don't know

and what are we doing to her?
What are we doing here?

but it seems to me that this message needed to be sent
I'm not a protest singer, I can't write a song to send a message
from a tiny little man who only said that he'd been sent
2041, the world is gonna end, I've got the message

What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
I don't know

and what are we doing to her?
What are we doing here?

to make everybody ask themselves just
meaningful and worthy, kind of earthy
And now I'm trying hard to think of something
Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday to whoever's being born
It's April 21st and everybody knows today is Earth Day

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AAre WWe GGonna DDo hat re e onna o hWat rAe eW oGnna oD ahat zre ae honna xo aWhat zAre aWe hGonna xDo Wahat Azre Wae Ghonna Dxo
3hat qre 3e yonna eo 3What qAre 3We yGonna eDo W3hat Aqre W3e Gyonna Deo dhat sre de bonna fo dWhat sAre dWe bGonna fDo Wdhat Asre Wde Gbonna Dfo
ehat wre ee vonna ro eWhat wAre eWe vGonna rDo Wehat Awre Wee Gvonna Dro shat xre se fonna co sWhat xAre sWe fGonna cDo Wshat Axre Wse Gfonna Dco
2hat Arre 2e tonna so 2What Ae 2We tGonna sDo W2hat Aer W2e Gtonna Dso qhat Ade qe Goonna Doo qWhat Adre qWe Gnna D Wqhat Arde Wqe Gnona Do
Whhat A4e Gknna Dk Wat A4re W Gkonna Dko Waht Ar4e We Goknna Dok Wjat Age Ws G9nna D9 Wjhat Agre G9onna D9o Whjat Arge Wes Go9nna Do9
Wuat Ate W3 G0nna D0 Wuhat Atre G0onna D0o Whuat Arte We3 Go0nna Do0 Wnat A5e Wf Glnna Dl Wnhat A5re Wfe Glonna Dlo Whnat Ar5e Wef Golnna Dol
Wbat Afe Wr Ginna Di Wbhat Afre Wre Gionna Dio Whbat Arfe Wer Goinna Doi Wgat Aee W4 Gonnna Wghat Aere W4e Gona Whgat Aree We4 Gonna
Wyat Wd Gomna Wyhat Ar Gomnna

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