Dierks Bentley
Love Grows Wild

theres a place where love grows wild
where hearts can trust just like a child
wild thing it dont need alot
it just grows on what its got
it still grows no matter what

i used to be too hard to care
but till you do you aint nowhere
once i just threw love away
but that fool was yesterday now my heart is home to stay

wild things grow on less than a little
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
where love grows wild

give up all those valentines
now i just want the one thats mine
i will say i love you so
and when i do it you will know
darlin i will never go

wild things grow on less than a little
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
where love grows wild

you give me the sweetest love
you must be straight from above
youre so good at loving me
youre so fine its plain to see
this was surely meant to be

wild things grow on less than a little
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
where love grows wild

theres a place where love grows wild..

Mirror lyrics:

theres a place where love grows wild..

where love grows wild
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
wild things grow on less than a little

this was surely meant to be
youre so fine its plain to see
youre so good at loving me
you must be straight from above
you give me the sweetest love

where love grows wild
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
wild things grow on less than a little

darlin i will never go
and when i do it you will know
i will say i love you so
now i just want the one thats mine
give up all those valentines

where love grows wild
and darlin i know it'll be you and me right down in the middle
wild things grow on less than a little

but that fool was yesterday now my heart is home to stay
once i just threw love away
but till you do you aint nowhere
i used to be too hard to care

it still grows no matter what
it just grows on what its got
wild thing it dont need alot
where hearts can trust just like a child
theres a place where love grows wild

Relevant Tags:
LLove GGrows WWild ove rows ild oLve rGows iWld kove hrows aild kLove hGrows aWild Lkove Ghrows Waild oove yrows 3ild
oLove yGrows 3Wild Loove Gyrows W3ild pove brows dild pLove bGrows dWild Lpove Gbrows Wdild vrows eild Lve vGrows eWild
Lvoe Gvrows Weild Lkve frows sild fGrows sWild Lokve Gfrows Wsild L9ve trows 2ild L9ove tGrows 2Wild Lo9ve Gtrows W2ild
L0ve Grrows qild L0ove Gows qWild Lo0ve Gorws Wqild Llve Gdows Wiild Llove Gdrows Wld Lolve Grdows Wlid Live G4ows Wjld
Liove G4rows Wjild Loive Gr4ows Wijld Lovve Ggows W9ld Loe Ggrows W9ild Loev Grgows Wi9ld Lobe Gtows Wlld Lobve Wlild
Lovbe Grtows Willd Loce G5ows Wold Locve G5rows Woild Lovce Gr5ows Wiold Loge Gfows Wkld Logve Wkild Lovge Grfows Wikld
Lofe Geows W8ld Lofve Gerows W8ild Lovfe Greows Wi8ld Lovee Groows Wuld Lov Grws Wuild Love Grwos Wiuld Lovs Grkws
Lovse Grkows Wid Loves Grokws Widl

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