This Day And Age
We Always Rewind The Best Part

if you go i'll wait for you, if you go i'll wait for you

you wouldn't drive without a key
you can't live if you don't bleed
you try to run but theres no peace without me
you wouldn't drive without a key
and i miss you since you left me
you try to run without me

if you go i'll wait for you,
if you go i'll wait for you i know that you will wish i was there
some day, some day,
some way
wishing i knew your every care
some day, some day,
some way


paint the walls your favorite shade of blue
i hope all your dreams come true
and i will be renewed and i won't waste your time anymore
finally put a lock on our closed door and
you will not break through and we'll try to put smiles on our face
and see who is the quickest to replace our lost and broken love

Mirror lyrics:

and see who is the quickest to replace our lost and broken love
you will not break through and we'll try to put smiles on our face
finally put a lock on our closed door and
and i will be renewed and i won't waste your time anymore
i hope all your dreams come true
paint the walls your favorite shade of blue


some way
some day, some day,
wishing i knew your every care
some way
some day, some day,
if you go i'll wait for you i know that you will wish i was there
if you go i'll wait for you,

you try to run without me
and i miss you since you left me
you wouldn't drive without a key
you try to run but theres no peace without me
you can't live if you don't bleed
you wouldn't drive without a key

if you go i'll wait for you, if you go i'll wait for you

Relevant Tags:
WWe AAlways RRewind TThe BBest PPart e lways ewind he est art eW lAways eRwind hTe eBst aPrt ae zlways dewind fhe vest 0art aWe zAlways dRewind fThe vBest 0Part
Wae Azlways Rdewind Tfhe Bvest P0art 3e qlways 4ewind 5he gest lart 3We qAlways 4Rewind 5The gBest lPart W3e Aqlways R4ewind T5he Bgest Plart de slways gewind hhe nest oart
dWe sAlways gRewind hThe nBest oPart Wde Aslways Rgewind Thhe Bnest Poart ee wlways tewind yhe hest Paart eWe wAlways tRewind yThe hBest Prt Wee Awlways Rtewind Tyhe Bhest Prat
se xlways 5ewind 6he Beest Pzrt sWe xAlways 5Rewind 6The Bst Pzart Wse Axlways R5ewind T6he Bset Pazrt 2e Allways fewind ghe Bsst Pqrt 2We Aways fRewind gThe Bsest Pqart
W2e Awlays Rfewind Tghe Besst Paqrt qe Akways eewind rhe B3st Psrt qWe Aklways eRewind rThe B3est Psart Wqe Alkways Reewind Trhe Be3st Pasrt Aoways Bfst Pwrt
W Aolways Rwind Te Bfest Pwart We Aloways Rweind Teh Befst Pawrt Ws Apways Rswind Tje Brst Pxrt Aplways Rsewind Tjhe Brest Pxart Wes Alpways Reswind Thje Berst Paxrt
W3 Alwways R3wind Tue B4st Parrt Alays R3ewind Tuhe B4est Pat We3 Alawys Re3wind Thue Be4st Patr Wf Alaays Rfwind Tne Bdst Padt Wfe Alaways Tnhe Bdest Padrt
Wef Alwaays Refwind Thne Bedst Pardt Wr Al3ays Rrwind Tbe Bwst Pa4t Wre Al3ways Rrewind Tbhe Bwest Pa4rt Wer Alw3ays Rerwind Thbe Bewst Par4t W4 Aldays R4wind Tge Pagt
W4e Aldways Bet Pagrt We4 Alwdays Re4wind Thge Bets Pargt Wd Aleays Rdwind Tye Bezt Patt Aleways Bezst Patrt Wed Alweays Redwind Thye Beszt Partt
Ww Alsays Rwwind Thee Bewt Pa5t Wwe Alsways Rwewind Th Pa5rt Wew Alwsays Rewwind The Beswt Par5t Al2ays Ths Bedt Paft Al2ways Reind Thse Pafrt
Alw2ays Reiwnd Thes Besdt Parft Alqays Reaind Th3 Beet Paet Alqways Reawind Th3e Paert Alwqays Rewaind The3 Beset Paret Re3ind Thf Bext
Alwys Thfe Bexst Par Alwyas Rew3ind Thef Besxt Part Alwzys Redind Thr Beat Parf Alwzays Thre Beast Alwazys Rewdind Ther Besat Partf
Alwqys Reeind Th4 Bestt Par5

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