This Day And Age
The Bell And The Hammer

I try to remember what it's like to dream with my own eyes
(with my own eyes).
Because I keep forgetting what is right;
can't tell truth from lies
(sunset from rise)...
If I could learn to act patiently
then I would see that my view of time is selfishly based around me...
I should run away, but I can't;
chasing dreams that are slowing down for me.
I should turn around, but I can't. It's within my reach; runaway...
With rising valleys and sinking
peaks, nothing in between (that I can see).
It seems my pride is on repeat;
h how they need me (it's not me they need)

Mirror lyrics:

h how they need me (it's not me they need)
It seems my pride is on repeat;
peaks, nothing in between (that I can see).
With rising valleys and sinking
I should turn around, but I can't. It's within my reach; runaway...
chasing dreams that are slowing down for me.
I should run away, but I can't;
then I would see that my view of time is selfishly based around me...
If I could learn to act patiently
(sunset from rise)...
can't tell truth from lies
Because I keep forgetting what is right;
(with my own eyes).
I try to remember what it's like to dream with my own eyes

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBell AAnd TThe HHammer he ell nd he ammer hTe eBll nAd hTe aHmmer fhe vell znd fhe jammer fThe vBell zAnd fThe jHammer Tfhe Bvell Aznd Tfhe Hjammer
5he gell qnd 5he uammer 5The gBell qAnd 5The uHammer T5he Bgell Aqnd T5he Huammer hhe nell snd hhe nammer hThe nBell sAnd hThe nHammer Thhe Bnell Asnd Thhe Hnammer
yhe hell wnd yhe bammer yThe hBell wAnd yThe bHammer Tyhe Bhell Awnd Tyhe Hbammer 6he Beell xnd 6he gammer 6The Bll xAnd 6The gHammer T6he Blel Axnd T6he Hgammer
ghe Bsll Annd ghe yammer gThe Bsell Ad gThe yHammer Tghe Besll Adn Tghe Hyammer rhe B3ll Amd rhe Haammer rThe B3ell Amnd rThe Hmmer Trhe Be3ll Anmd Trhe Hmamer
Bfll Ahd Hzmmer Te Bfell Ahnd Te Hzammer Teh Befll Anhd Teh Hazmmer Tje Brll Ajd Tje Hqmmer Tjhe Brell Ajnd Tjhe Hqammer Thje Berll Anjd Thje Haqmmer
Tue B4ll Abd Tue Hsmmer Tuhe B4ell Abnd Tuhe Hsammer Thue Be4ll Anbd Thue Hasmmer Tne Bdll Andd Tne Hwmmer Tnhe Bdell An Tnhe Hwammer Thne Bedll And Thne Hawmmer
Tbe Bwll Anx Tbe Hxmmer Tbhe Bwell Anxd Tbhe Hxammer Thbe Bewll Andx Thbe Haxmmer Tge Belll Ane Tge Hammmer Bel Aned Hamer Thge Bell Ande Thge Hammer
Tye Bekl Anf Tye Hajmer Bekll Anfd Hajmmer Thye Belkl Andf Thye Hamjmer Thee Beol Anr Thee Hakmer Th Beoll Anrd Th Hakmmer The Belol Andr The Hamkmer
Ths Bepl Anc Ths Hanmer Thse Bepll Ancd Thse Hanmmer

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