This Day And Age
Building A Home

We live on a lake, and sometimes there are waves;
I guess that explains why we've been led astray.
Because if the west is what we need, you can bet we'll be heading east.
We're so easily distracted by the slightest breeze.
When there's too many roads, and far too many shows;
all these empty highs become too many lows.
We walk through crowded streets to be by ourselves;
screaming for help...
I won't wait to hear them say, "You were wrong all along."
We've been drowning, and we've been doubting;
I think it's time for a change...
We're building a home, but it's not made of stone;
a place where we can go to find a lasting hope.
With our anxious pace, life's like an endless chase;
where we don't know who's after us, but we run anyways...
We almost left without saying goodbye.

Mirror lyrics:

We almost left without saying goodbye.
where we don't know who's after us, but we run anyways...
With our anxious pace, life's like an endless chase;
a place where we can go to find a lasting hope.
We're building a home, but it's not made of stone;
I think it's time for a change...
We've been drowning, and we've been doubting;
I won't wait to hear them say, "You were wrong all along."
screaming for help...
We walk through crowded streets to be by ourselves;
all these empty highs become too many lows.
When there's too many roads, and far too many shows;
We're so easily distracted by the slightest breeze.
Because if the west is what we need, you can bet we'll be heading east.
I guess that explains why we've been led astray.
We live on a lake, and sometimes there are waves;

Relevant Tags:
BBuilding AA HHome uilding ome uBilding A oHme vuilding z jome vBuilding zA jHome Bvuilding Az Hjome guilding q uome
gBuilding qA uHome Bguilding Aq Huome nuilding s nome nBuilding sA nHome Bnuilding As Hnome huilding w bome hBuilding wA bHome
Bhuilding Aw Hbome Buuilding x gome Bilding xA gHome Biulding Ax Hgome Bhilding yome yHome Buhilding Hyome
B7ilding Hoome B7uilding Hme Bu7ilding Hmoe Bkilding Hkme Bkuilding Hkome Bukilding Hokme Biilding H9me
Biuilding H9ome Buiilding Ho9me B8ilding H0me B8uilding H0ome Bu8ilding Ho0me Bjilding Hlme Bjuilding Hlome
Bujilding Holme Byilding Hime Byuilding Hiome Buyilding Hoime Homme Bulding Hoe Buliding Hoem
Bujlding Hoje Hojme Buijlding Homje Bu9lding Hoke Bu9ilding Bui9lding Homke Bullding Hone
Bulilding Honme Buillding Homne Buolding Homee Buoilding Hom Buiolding Home Buklding Homs Homse
Buiklding Homes Bu8lding Hom3 Hom3e Bui8lding Home3 Buulding Homf Homfe Buiulding Homef
Homr Buiding Homre Buidling Homer Buikding Hom4 Hom4e Builkding Home4 Buioding Homd
Homde Builoding Homed

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