The Callbacks
The Hero Doesn't Win In This One

My heart stopped beating

The day you told me

That you had sold me

Out for him

And i can't begin to describe how i feel

This can't be real beacuse

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

The hero doesn't ein tonight

My mind stopped thinking

The day that you told me

That you couldn't hold me

And that i would be alone

I went home and thought it was over

But i can't recover from the fact that you left me

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

The hero doesn't ein tonight

And the hero doesn't win (x4)

In this one (x2)

And the hero doesn't win (x2)

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

The hero doesn't ein tonight

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

The hero doesn't ein tonight

Mirror lyrics:

The hero doesn't ein tonight

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

The hero doesn't ein tonight

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

And the hero doesn't win (x2)

In this one (x2)

And the hero doesn't win (x4)

The hero doesn't ein tonight

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

But i can't recover from the fact that you left me

I went home and thought it was over

And that i would be alone

That you couldn't hold me

The day that you told me

My mind stopped thinking

The hero doesn't ein tonight

The hero doesn't win in this one

He can't compete with you in this fight

The hero doesn't win in this one

This can't be real beacuse

And i can't begin to describe how i feel

Out for him

That you had sold me

The day you told me

My heart stopped beating

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHero DDoesn't WWin IIn TThis OOne he ero oesn't in n his ne hTe eHro oDesn't iWn nI hTis nOe fhe jero xoesn't ain jn fhis kne fThe jHero xDoesn't aWin jIn fThis kOne
Tfhe Hjero Dxoesn't Wain Ijn Tfhis Okne 5he uero eoesn't 3in 9n 5his 9ne 5The uHero eDoesn't 3Win 9In 5This 9One T5he Huero Deoesn't W3in I9n T5his O9ne hhe nero foesn't din ln hhis 0ne
hThe nHero fDoesn't dWin lIn hThis 0One Thhe Hnero Dfoesn't Wdin Iln Thhis O0ne yhe bero roesn't ein on yhis lne yThe bHero rDoesn't eWin oIn yThis lOne Tyhe Hbero Droesn't Wein Ion Tyhis Olne
6he gero coesn't sin kn 6his ine 6The gHero cDoesn't sWin kIn 6This iOne T6he Hgero Dcoesn't Wsin Ikn T6his Oine ghe yero soesn't 2in 8n ghis Onne gThe yHero sDoesn't 2Win 8In gThis Oe
Tghe Hyero Dsoesn't W2in I8n Tghis Oen rhe Heero Dooesn't qin un rhis Ome rThe Hro Desn't qWin uIn rThis Omne Trhe Hreo Deosn't Wqin Iun Trhis Onme Hsro Dkesn't Wiin Inn Ohe
Te Hsero Dkoesn't Wn I Tis Ohne Teh Hesro Dokesn't Wni In Tihs Onhe Tje H3ro D9esn't Wjn Im Tjis Oje Tjhe H3ero D9oesn't Wjin Imn Tjhis Ojne Thje He3ro Do9esn't Wijn Inm Thjis Onje
Tue Hfro D0esn't W9n Ih Tuis Obe Tuhe Hfero D0oesn't W9in Ihn Tuhis Obne Thue Hefro Do0esn't Wi9n Inh Thuis Onbe Tne Hrro Dlesn't Wln Ij Tnis Onee Tnhe Hrero Dloesn't Wlin Tnhis On
Thne Herro Dolesn't Wiln Inj Thnis One Tbe H4ro Diesn't Won Ib Tbis Ons Tbhe H4ero Dioesn't Woin Ibn Tbhis Onse Thbe He4ro Doiesn't Wion Inb Thbis Ones Tge Hdro Doeesn't Wkn Tgis On3
Hdero Dosn't Wkin On3e Thge Hedro Dosen't Wikn Thgis One3 Tye Hwro Dossn't W8n Tyis Onf Hwero Dosesn't W8in Onfe Thye Hewro Doessn't Wi8n Thyis Onef
Thee Do3sn't Wun Thiis Onr Th Heo Do3esn't Wuin Ths Onre The Heor Doe3sn't Wiun Thsi Oner Ths Hedo Dofsn't Winn Thjs On4 Thse Dofesn't Wi On4e
Thes Herdo Doefsn't Win Thijs One4 Th3 He4o Dorsn't Wim Th9s Ond Th3e Doresn't Wimn Th9is Onde The3 Her4o Doersn't Winm Thi9s Oned Thf Hego Do4sn't Wih Thls Onw
Thfe Hegro Do4esn't Wihn Thlis Onwe Thef Hergo Doe4sn't Winh Thils Onew Thr Heto Dodsn't Wij Thos Thre Hetro Dodesn't Thois Ther Herto Doedsn't Winj Thios
Th4 He5o Dowsn't Wib Thks

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