The Blackout Pact
Do I Sound Like I'm On Old Time Radio

You took flight and left my hands still tied

Is there a way to catch you?

You move with a bold intention

You move with a bold intention

I threw it away

Turned it down and put the radio up

I threw it away

Turned it down and put the radio up

Shot down

Who's laying down these days

Who's keeping score these days

Hope you

Can see

All the progress we can make

Pencil in the words we left unsung

We can spread what the friction's done

Hope you

Can see

All the progress we can make

Speak soft and wait can you hear it now

I see a new part of you

Mirror lyrics:

I see a new part of you

Speak soft and wait can you hear it now

All the progress we can make

Can see

Hope you

We can spread what the friction's done

Pencil in the words we left unsung

All the progress we can make

Can see

Hope you

Who's keeping score these days

Who's laying down these days

Shot down

Turned it down and put the radio up

I threw it away

Turned it down and put the radio up

I threw it away

You move with a bold intention

You move with a bold intention

Is there a way to catch you?

You took flight and left my hands still tied

Relevant Tags:
DDo II SSound LLike II'm OOn OOld TTime RRadio o ound ike 'm n ld ime adio oD I oSund iLke 'Im nO lOd iTme aRdio
xo j zound kike j'm kn kld fime dadio xDo jI zSound kLike jI'm kOn kOld fTime dRadio Dxo Ij Szound Lkike Ij'm Okn Okld Tfime Rdadio
eo 9 wound oike 9'm 9n 9ld 5ime 4adio eDo 9I wSound oLike 9I'm 9On 9Old 5Time 4Radio Deo I9 Swound Loike I9'm O9n O9ld T5ime R4adio
fo l dound pike l'm 0n 0ld hime gadio fDo lI dSound pLike lI'm 0On 0Old hTime gRadio Dfo Il Sdound Lpike Il'm O0n O0ld Thime Rgadio
ro o eound Liike o'm ln lld yime tadio rDo oI eSound Lke oI'm lOn lOld yTime tRadio Dro Io Seound Lkie Io'm Oln Olld Tyime Rtadio
co k xound Ljke k'm in ild 6ime 5adio cDo kI xSound Ljike kI'm iOn iOld 6Time 5Radio Dco Ik Sxound Lijke Ik'm Oin Oild T6ime R5adio
so 8 aound L9ke 8'm Onn gime fadio sDo 8I aSound L9ike 8I'm O Od gTime fRadio Dso I8 Saound Li9ke I8'm On Odl Tgime Rfadio
Doo u Soound Llke u'm Om Okd rime eadio D uI Sund Llike uI'm Omn rTime eRadio Do Iu Suond Lilke Iu'm Onm Olkd Trime Readio
Dk Skund Loke I''m Oh Ood Tiime Raadio Dko Skound Im Ohn Oold Tme Rdio Dok Sokund Lioke Im' Onh Olod Tmie Rdaio
D9 S9und Lkke I'mm Oj Opd Tjme Rzdio D9o S9ound I' Ojn Opld Tjime Rzadio Do9 So9und Likke I'm Onj Olpd Tijme Razdio
D0 S0und L8ke I'j Ob Oldd T9me Rqdio D0o S0ound L8ike I'jm Obn Ol T9ime Rqadio Do0 So0und Li8ke I'mj Onb Old Ti9me Raqdio
Dl Slund Luke I'k Olx Tlme Rsdio Dlo Slound Luike I'km Olxd Tlime Rsadio Dol Solund Liuke I'mk Oldx Tilme Rasdio
Di Siund I'n Ole Tome Rwdio Dio Siound Lie I'nm Oled Toime Rwadio Doi Soiund Liek I'mn Olde Tiome Rawdio
Souund Lile Olf Tkme Rxdio Sond Olfd Tkime Rxadio Sonud Likle Oldf Tikme Raxdio
Sohnd Lioe Olr T8me Raddio Sohund Olrd T8ime Raio Souhnd Likoe Oldr Ti8me Raido
So7nd Lime Olc Tume Raxio So7und Limke Olcd Tuime Sou7nd Likme Oldc Tiume Radxio
Soknd Lije Ols Timme Raeio

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