The Banner

as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade

a burning desire to rise above and overcome any barricade

to vault over the burning ashes of those not up to the task

and make up for whats lost in muscle by outfighting those who'd block our


the same pain that stops you drives me on

we've all been outnumbered

we've all been outgunned

but i'll choose to stand where you choose to run

as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade

in spite of hurt and in spite of pain

i've got scars to remind me

tough times and darker days

new demons arise but i won't change

with every dark days sunset comes the promise of new days

and what was lost cannot be in vain.

you sit and cry and about the pain in your life

but what have you done to make it change

tears won't do nothing but ruin your make-up

and i've no time for your complaints

go and suffer

i've not times for your complaints.

Mirror lyrics:

i've not times for your complaints.

go and suffer

and i've no time for your complaints

tears won't do nothing but ruin your make-up

but what have you done to make it change

you sit and cry and about the pain in your life

and what was lost cannot be in vain.

with every dark days sunset comes the promise of new days

new demons arise but i won't change

tough times and darker days

i've got scars to remind me

in spite of hurt and in spite of pain

as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade

but i'll choose to stand where you choose to run

we've all been outgunned

we've all been outnumbered

the same pain that stops you drives me on


and make up for whats lost in muscle by outfighting those who'd block our

to vault over the burning ashes of those not up to the task

a burning desire to rise above and overcome any barricade

as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade

Relevant Tags:
OOutgunned utgunned uOtgunned kutgunned kOutgunned Okutgunned 9utgunned 9Outgunned O9utgunned 0utgunned 0Outgunned
O0utgunned lutgunned lOutgunned Olutgunned iutgunned iOutgunned Oiutgunned Ouutgunned Otgunned Otugunned Ohtgunned
Ohutgunned Ouhtgunned O7tgunned O7utgunned Ou7tgunned Oktgunned Ouktgunned Oitgunned Ouitgunned O8tgunned O8utgunned
Ou8tgunned Ojtgunned Ojutgunned Oujtgunned Oytgunned Oyutgunned Ouytgunned Outtgunned Ougunned Ougtunned Oufgunned
Ouftgunned Outfgunned Ou5gunned Ou5tgunned Out5gunned Ouhgunned Outhgunned Ouygunned Outygunned Ou6gunned Ou6tgunned
Out6gunned Ouggunned Ougtgunned Outggunned Ourgunned Ourtgunned Outrgunned Outunned Outugnned Outhunned Outghunned
Outyunned Outgyunned Outbunned Outbgunned Outgbunned Outvunned Outvgunned Outgvunned

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