Those Dancing Days
I'll Be Yours

Lyrics by Rebecka Rolfart
Music by Those Dancing Days

I was always searching
For the last piece missing
Now that I found you
Wishes do come true

Butterflies inside me
Make us fly where we walk
I'll be holding on
I'll be holding on

I'll be yours and you're mine
And I'll be your friend
Let's stay til the end
I'll never stop loving you
I'll be yours and you're mine
I'll never let go
Don't ever let go
I'll never stop loving you

Capture me in your arms
Wrap your soul around me
Never felt so free
Please stay close to me

We lie on the clouds
And we're kissing the sky
The raindrops are falling
But we're staying dry
And I'll be holding on
I'll be holding on
Making tears fall down
Ready to fight
I know that I'm right

Mirror lyrics:

I know that I'm right
Ready to fight
Making tears fall down
I'll be holding on
And I'll be holding on
But we're staying dry
The raindrops are falling
And we're kissing the sky
We lie on the clouds

Please stay close to me
Never felt so free
Wrap your soul around me
Capture me in your arms

I'll never stop loving you
Don't ever let go
I'll never let go
I'll be yours and you're mine
I'll never stop loving you
Let's stay til the end
And I'll be your friend
I'll be yours and you're mine

I'll be holding on
I'll be holding on
Make us fly where we walk
Butterflies inside me

Wishes do come true
Now that I found you
For the last piece missing
I was always searching

Music by Those Dancing Days
Lyrics by Rebecka Rolfart

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe YYours 'll e ours 'Ill eB oYurs j'll ve gours jI'll vBe gYours Ij'll Bve Ygours 9'll ge hours 9I'll gBe hYours I9'll Bge Yhours
l'll ne 6ours lI'll nBe 6Yours Il'll Bne Y6ours o'll he uours oI'll hBe uYours Io'll Bhe Yuours k'll Bee 7ours kI'll B 7Yours Ik'll Be Y7ours
8'll Bs jours 8I'll Bse jYours I8'll Bes Yjours u'll B3 tours uI'll B3e tYours Iu'll Be3 Ytours I''ll Bf Yoours Ill Bfe Yurs Il'l Bef Yuors
I'lll Br Ykurs I'l Bre Ykours I'll Ber Yokurs I'kl B4 Y9urs I'kll B4e Y9ours I'lkl Be4 Yo9urs I'ol Bd Y0urs I'oll Bde Y0ours I'lol Bed Yo0urs
I'pl Bw Ylurs I'pll Bwe Ylours I'lpl Bew Yolurs Yiurs Yiours Yoiurs I'lk Youurs Yors I'llk Yorus
I'lo Yohrs Yohurs I'llo Youhrs I'lp Yo7rs Yo7urs I'llp You7rs Yokrs Youkrs

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